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Coroplast PINK?!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Sep 24, 2011
Has anyone else noticed that the cages store now sells pink coroplast?! I thought that was aweome!!! Has anyone bought it yet?!? :D
No, I hadn't really noticed. Let's see, I've had a red, a white, a blue and a green coroplast but can't say that I've ever had (or seen) pink.
I found it here after you scroll down the colors:
(broken link removed)
Teresa ordered custom ones. You won't find pink coroplast anywhere else.
I've brought Pink coroplast from a starinory shop near me, can't wait to finish the cage!(broken link removed)
Pink for girl, and I have black for my boys.
I wish I could get enough of that for my cage, I can't find coroplast anywhere near me, let alone pink!
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