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Cavy Slave
Mar 9, 2005
how do you cut the frount part of the igloo away to make a bigger hole?
I believe that you heat up the plastic with hot water and then chop it off with garden shears or simply bend it off. Make sure to soften any sharp corners. You also may not have to do it. I have two boars, one full grown and one five month old, and both of them can fit perfectly in a small pigloo.
Thanks I think I will leave it alone until it gets too small.
Mine fits my piggies quite well. Maybe they aew just small. I don't know.
did you get your igloo at petsmart?
I got mine at Petco.
Our pigs love stuffing themselves into the pigloos. I have two full grown boars and they are sometimes happy to share the same one. You'd be amazed the spaces they can squeeze into. (Especially behind the couch, be careful!!)
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