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Pigloo like


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 13, 2004
I was looking at a pigloo and I just don't like the little entrance way before you get to the main part or the price tag. While I was shopping for some fresh piggy veggies today, I found a clear purple 6 qt bowl for 94 cents. Viola! I have my own version of a pigloo now. I inverted it, cut a door way and drilled holes in the top (actually the bottom of the bowl). It works out great, I can see in there and there was other cool colors. I was not sure how it would work but I plan to go get a pretty blue one for my other girl.
You can see the little pigloo like hidey I made. The first is a close up, the second shows it in relation to the entire cage.
Your DIY pigloo looks nice. I think I will make one also.
that's a good idea! did you just use scissors to make such a clean cut???
Yes, I used a sharpie to draw the door and then a pair of scissors to cut it out. It was very easy to do. I used a drill to put holes in the top.
sweet! I'm going out to buy some supplies for my future piggies... I'm gonna get some bowls like that! Thanks for the neat idea!
What a brilliant idea!! I looked at the price of pigloos the other day at the local pet store and almost fainted!!!! Really don't know how they can justify the cost. But this is perfect. Stealing your idea and using it!! :)
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