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Piggy Love


Cavy Slave
May 4, 2004
Hi! I have one male guinea pig (and adult) named Jack who I adopted from a local shelter last year, and just day before yesterday bought a brand new tiny baby guinea pig female named Rose. Today I introduced Rose to Jack by putting her in a travel carrier, and letting Jack explore it from the outside. They seemed to like eachother ALOT! Jack purred and wheeked, and purred and wheeked! Rose called back to him too. They are in seperate cages, but the cages are right next to each other. Jack is ready to do ANYTHING to get to her, and they have been calling to eachother non-stop pretty much all day. Jack has even gotten atop his pigloo to try to get to her! Should I introduce them face-to-face? I have no idea what to do! I'm afraid Jack might get TOO excited and accidently hurt her because she's so much tiner than him, and I don't want her having babies either! Any advice?
Just a few pictures:

This is Rose

and Jack
If you put them together she is going to get pregnant. The only way to avoid that is have one or both of them fixed or keep them in separate cages.
Yes, they both have sperate cages and I'm going to keep it that way. The only time they'll be together is under supervision. She's just a baby herself, so I don't want her getting pregnant (not to mention the health risks and task of find good homes for the pups)! I just hope she's not already coming from a pet store. I guess there's no way to tell though is there?
Be very very careful when you have them together. I had mine out like that during floortime each day. A few months down the line I notice that my female was increasing. Boy was i ever mad. Not at them though. I still cant figure out when she got pregnant. I watched them every second they were together. Everything turnrd out finr though luckily. You might want to seriously consider nutering one of them.After this fiasco i had my male nuetered and I have never regreted it.
Was is risky/expensive to nuter your male piggy? I've been thinking and it, and I was wondering how risky it is to put a piggy through.
why would you een take the chance Neuter him or dont put them together end of sentance
Here's a story for about pet store pigs. My first gp was inherited, she seemed ok for a few years, but started leaving blood in the shavings. Eventually we took her in and the vet discovered a mummified baby in her. She operated and the poor gal lived on for maybe a year or so. Those were good years though.
nuetering male

PiggyMom said:
Hi! I have one male guinea pig (and adult) named Jack who I adopted from a local shelter last year, and just day before yesterday bought a brand new tiny baby guinea pig female named Rose. Today I introduced Rose to Jack by putting her in a travel carrier, and letting Jack explore it from the outside. They seemed to like eachother ALOT! Jack purred and wheeked, and purred and wheeked! Rose called back to him too. They are in seperate cages, but the cages are right next to each other. Jack is ready to do ANYTHING to get to her, and they have been calling to eachother non-stop pretty much all day. Jack has even gotten atop his pigloo to try to get to her! Should I introduce them face-to-face? I have no idea what to do! I'm afraid Jack might get TOO excited and accidently hurt her because she's so much tiner than him, and I don't want her having babies either! Any advice?
I had my pig "Pickles" neutered and he is fine. It cost me $188.00 total, cause I had both pigs checked from head to toe and they are in excellent condition. I took them both in to my Guinea pig vet two weeks ago for a check up. The cost for both only $27.00 And I will take them most likely every couple of months just to make sure they stay healthy.
I got my boys fixed for 30 dollars each. My moms friend is the vet and she gave me a discount. I dont know what the real cost would be. When she comes over to my house to visit my mom I have her check them. So I dont have to go in and pay money for the same thing. I have to pay for my pigs vet care by myself. (or i pay my mom back, if its a lot). Both of my pigs are happy and healthy and one of them is about nine and he got nuetered about a month ago or so. He is soo much happier. He went into a slight depression for a wile, but now he is fine since he has had a lot of TLC and it doesnt hurt that he has three gorguse girls for roommates.;)I hope this helped a little.
Your pig is NINE?!!! WOW! I thought they lived to be from five to seven!

About your pigs, PiggyMom, I suggest you attatch some creative cubes to the top of Jack's cage on the side next to Rose, to keep him from climbing over the walls. :)

Also, do separate floor times, to keep your cavies from mating. Sometimes all they need is a couple minutes.
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Tashagurl, wow. 9 is an amazing age. You've really taken care of your piggies! :)
Piglet said:
Tashagurl, wow. 9 is an amazing age. You've really taken care of your piggies! :)
indeed! the oldest I've heard of is eight!
First off, get the male neutered. The cavyspirit page is very informative. They're going to have babies, period no matter how long they are in together, no matter if you're watching or not. This just eliminates any chance of that happening, though I truly am glad that you're not breeding, way to go! =)

About the age thing, I've heard of 11 and even 12. You really have to be prepared for a long-term commitment. I'll miss mine so much when I go off to school!
I bet they're both going to like having a same species friend. I was wondering, though, if you've thought of quarantining the new one so that she doesn't get Jack ill by accident until you know about her health. I bet she's darling and I'm sure she's found a great home.
mncavylover said:
About the age thing, I've heard of 11 and even 12.
11?????12??????Guinea pigs!!!! Wowsers!
loves2travel said:
11?????12??????Guinea pigs!!!! Wowsers!
Ditto, loves 2 travel -in shock-

I mean, i've heard of a cat living to be twenty or so but a GP at 12?!!!!! -wow-

(P.S. How do you do all those quotes in one post?!!)
CactusCavy said:
Ditto, loves 2 travel -in shock-

I mean, i've heard of a cat living to be twenty or so but a GP at 12?!!!!! -wow-

(P.S. How do you do all those quotes in one post?!!)

I had my male nuetered $55 no discount. That was just what it cost, to spay my female (not reccomended) it was $65-$70. I looked into other vets and they charged any where from $150- $200 and I was not going to pay that.

I am amazed that your piggy is nine, wow. You must take great care of him. I never imagined a piggy could live till 12. Amazing......

I would nueter your male because one way or another your female will get pregnant. I thought having them in different rooms was enough but I have had 3 accidental litters. The first time they were having floor time and the pen the male was in came undone, and the male wandered to the female (who was near by in her own pen for floor time) and well anyways a few months later she had babies. The second I had a pet sitter come and watch my piggies and other pets while I was away and she accidentally put them together. Third time I was baby sitting a friends children, and I had the piggs in there cages, but the children let them out and well more babies. Each time it was a different female. After the third time I had the male nutered and changed the location of the cages. The girls are downstairs boys upstairs.

Basically get your pigger nuetered, I should have sooner but didn't have $55 at that time. Only one of my males tries to find the females and that is the one I had nutered, the rest of them don't care.
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