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Behavior Piggy happier alone?


New Member
Cavy Gazer
Nov 16, 2024
Hello! I'm new to this forum and just wanted to see if this has happened with anyone else.

I have a 6 year old boar named Chris, for the first year of his life he was in a trio of boys. They, surprisingly, got along really well. Unfortunately, they both passed due to old age so I got him a new cage mate, Benny. They got along well, of course they had occasional dominance battles but who doesn't. Chris has always been a grumpy pig, very lazy and honestly, uncaring about everything around him. But I feel he really cared about Benny. Especially when Benny fell ill with a UTI about a month ago. He was constantly around him, never leaving his side. Long story short, Benny passed away a week ago. Obviously this was really hard on me, and I was extremely worried how Chris would take it. But honestly I don't really think he cares? The morning after Benny's passing I went to spot clean their cage, and when I was done I noticed him popcorn. I was a bit shocked cause in all 6 years of owning him, I never ONCE saw him popcorn. TBH I brushed it off thinking he was just shivering or got a sudden itch, because I refused to believe he was this jolly right after his best friend died like hello... But today I did a deep clean and he popcorned again! Benny's death seems to have no impact on him, he's eating and drinking just the same. Absolutely nothing alarming other than the fact he seems to be HAPPY that he's gone.

I'm a bit stumped on what to do. Chris and I get along really well, he's the only pig I've ever really bonded with (besides Benny.) I've already decided years ago that I don't want anymore guinea pigs. I feel a bit selfish keeping him just 'cause I don't want to get another one, but he's old. I feel it's just best he spends whatever time he has left with someone he knows and loves. I do have a pair of boys living above him, but I'm unsure if I should attempt to bond them. Percy and Pocky are both 2 years old, almost 3. They get along but bicker quite a bit. I'm worried if I attempt to bond them, they'd hurt Chris or even worse, break THEIR bond. Then I'd have 3 single males and in an even worse situation. Just wondering if anyone else was ever in a similar spot, or if anyone has any advice.

Picture of Benny (L) and Chris (R) cause they're cuties.
[GuineaPigCages.com] Piggy happier alone?
FIrst of all, my sincere condolences on the loss of Benny. Losing a pig is never easy, and personally i have never gotten over any of the boys I've lost.

The best thing for him, in my opinion, is to see if you can put them in cages side by side. I would NOT try to bond them. Boar trios rarely work out and even though you did have a successful one it is a very rare exception, not the norm.

Pigs grieve differently. Some go into deep mourning, like my boy Leo. He's lost a couple of buddies and he generally shuts down very, very quickly. Others, seemingly like Chris, take a sniff of their departed friend and go about their business.

Having them in side by side cages lets Chris know that he's not alone.
FIrst of all, my sincere condolences on the loss of Benny. Losing a pig is never easy, and personally i have never gotten over any of the boys I've lost.

The best thing for him, in my opinion, is to see if you can put them in cages side by side. I would NOT try to bond them. Boar trios rarely work out and even though you did have a successful one it is a very rare exception, not the norm.

Pigs grieve differently. Some go into deep mourning, like my boy Leo. He's lost a couple of buddies and he generally shuts down very, very quickly. Others, seemingly like Chris, take a sniff of their departed friend and go about their business.

Having them in side by side cages lets Chris know that he's not alone.
Thanks for the reply!
That's exactly what my plan was. I'm moving by the end of the month to a bigger space which will allow me to place their cages side-by-side. Their cages were next to each other previously, but Percy was constantly biting the bars so I decided to stack them. I've gotten little covers for the bars since then so there should be no more issues.
Appreciate the feedback :p

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