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piggie won't go to 2nd floor


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 23, 2004
Today we constructed a second floor to our cage. Porkie loves it and goes up and down, hangs out and haves fun. Pumpkin just wont go up! She puts her front paws onto the ramp, then just runs and hides. And, every time Porkie goes up there then Pumpkin starts squealing (b/c she hates being alone). So, then Porkie comes trotting back down and ends up not spending much time there. A couple of times I have put Pumpkin on the top level, where she's eaten some veggies and hung out, but then she comes down and then just wont go up again!!

Has anyone else had this happen where one of their pigs is too scared to go up?? WIll she get over it? We were hoping to keep the pellet dish up there, b/c it always gets covered in bedding when it's on the bottom level.
try draping a towel over the ramp to make it where she runs to hide before she realized it she'll be at the top!
Maybe even coax her with food/hay? For some reason my Turbo cant get enough of the top floor.. Its hard for me to get him off so he can roam the bigger area.

Hope that helps..
Put some nice fresh hay up their. The towel over the ramp idea is good and it will probably work. Or, you could put some vegetables on the ramp
I made a second level for my cage and one piggy whose afraid of nothing went right up it. As a matter of fact she runs around it like a race course. My other piggy would ignore it. I would at times catch her up there for just a minute and then she would dart off. Well this morning when I woke up to this loud noice, lo and behold, there are my 2 piggies running like maniacs around the 2nd level. I loved watching them, my other piggy was having the best time. Also they can reach their haystack from the 2nd level as well as the 1st, so that helped. They like to go up their to eat their hay. Give it time, and maybe u can place some hay up there to. they love their hay.
Yeah the first time I made my C&C, Turbo was popcorning up the ramp. Now I cant get him off the top level.
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