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Piggie Puberty

Baby Bears

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 28, 2005
Okay, I've got two boys, both about 2 1/2 months old. I've read people on here talking about their piggies being in puberty. How do you know? Peanut is acting weird. He sometimes gets in these moods where the stalks around the cage real slow - almost like a cat - and tries to sneak up on Butter. Butter just goes in the pigloo and won't let Peanut in until he starts acting normal. And the other thing he does is he makes this weird little cooing/wheeking noise and tries to mount Butter. But they are both boys!! I have checked their sex, and there is no doubt they are boys. Anyway, Butter won't have any of it and either goes in the pigloo or sits on top of it until Peanut starts being normal again. It's not really worrying me - it's actually kinda funny to watch. Butter is the same age buts has this "little old man" attitude about everything.
He is probably going through puberty. I actually only have three girls, but they to try to mount each other when they are in heat and they get a real bad attitude problem. The only thing with two boys the same age is that they will probably go through puberty at around the same age and that can lead to fights over dominance, but from what I know this will usually settle down as they get older. it really is kinda funny to watch. My three girls each go through it about twice a month and all at different times, so I kinda consider this behavior to be normal now.
How I know? The mounting, sneaking, chasing, being mad at eachother for 80% of the time (and sleep cozy together the other 20%!), the constant angry noises, but still no real injuries from attacs. That is how I know they are ;)
Is the sneaking accompanied by a purring noise? If so, this is rumblestrutting, a behavior that is used to sort out dominance. It is perfectly normal, and I agree, it is kinda cute.
Yep, definately a rumbling noise! I notice that Peanut does it most right after they go back into the cage after floor time. The funniest part of it is that Butter doesn't even seem to take notice of him. He just goes off into his pigloo or goes and gets some veggies and ignores Peanut. I guess Peanut thinks he's doing something. They never actually fight, just kinda bump into each other. Most of the time they are really close and always cuddle when they sleep. They share food real well, both eating from the same bowl at the same time.
I have 2 girls and boy does my penny rumblestrut. What she says goes. Nickel always obeys with a little wheek. I always feel so bad for her. Its always get out of MY bed, move over from MY food, move out of MY way, etc. etc. etc. Besides rumblestrutting she will put her face up in the air real close to nickel as if saying "Im the boss" and poor nickel gets out of the way. And I am always cheering nickel on, come on Nickel show her whose boss for a change". -)
My husband does the same thing! He's always egging on Butter to give it back to Peanut. He'll tell him "Don't let him get away with that. Come on, show him how tough you are."
My husband tells me to separate them cause he is tired of them fighting. I told him that its normal and it will take a while cause I have 1 9 month old 2 5 month old, and 3 2 month old boys and they all are doing it. I still cant get it in his head at all. He had add and I think thats why he does that
Sounds like your husband is rumblestrutting too! HE HE!!!
lol heehe I like that. Maybe he is or its the time of the month for him
my older boar cocoa rumblestrutts to i keep telling him we get it your the boss! the little one taz doesnt even seem to care either and just goes away and does something else but besides that they get along fine. Does anybody know when a male piggy reaches puberty? or when he stops growing?
Im not sure the exact months of puberty but they usually stop growing after a year. They may get fatter though.
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