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piggie language



piggie language

What do the different sounds my pig makes mean? I've noticed about 4 different language patterns:
1)When she squeals loudly is she scared? Sometimes she does this when I simply enter the room. Other times she does this when she hears a plastic bag rustle changing the wastebasket liner, or getting out fresh bedding for her cage.
2)When she makes a more quiet, intermittant squeaking is she happy?
3)She also kind of "burbles" when I pet her in her cage. She stays still when I do this. Is that a happy sound or is she afraid of my touch?
4) When she's out on the floor she kind of "weep weeps" as she wanders around and explores. I am pretty certain this is a happy sound.
What do you all think?
Re: piggie language

My pigs squeak loudly when they hear a plastic bag russle cos they think their getting fed :rolleyes: they do it when the fridge opens too and sometimes even when I'm chopping something on the worktop. I think they've learnt to associate these sounds with food coming.
They sometimes make little sounds while out playing, maybe they are talking to each other?


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