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Pictures-- Tips For Taking Good Photos?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 18, 2011
Hello everyone!

First post in the Cafe'!

OK, so, I really want to get some pictures of my 2 lovely girls, Lil' Babe and Big Sis'. I love them so much, I want to show everybody else them, as well!

Now, I have been able to take pictures of their cage and whatnot, but what are some tips for taking good pictures? What kind of things should I get a picture of my girls doing?

I have had them both for 3 months, and they are about 5 months old altogether, so it is more than overdue that we get them some pictures!

Thanks all!


Bribe them with veggies! I seem to get some cute shots when they are eating.

Because I use my phone to take pictures, I gotta take tons and tons and hope one turns out great. :)
Because they are constantly moving, make sure you take the picture in a very bright room. It will make your pictures less blurry, because the camera has a better capture view of them in the light.
Smaller photos, play with the contrast, try with and without flash, and adjust color filters as you see fit. Just make sure that you keep the camera extremely still. I like to take pictures while they're eating, pigs won't move much unless you have one like mine that must carry his food back to his house...
The number one tip I have is to find a good background with nothing else visible. Take a small table and place it next to a plain wall or put them in an armchair and frame the shot so you can't see anything else. I end up taking a lot of pics because they move around but after a while they get tired and tend to sit still for me. Here are a few examples. The ones with the green background are on an armchair and the white backgrounds are of a table pushed against a wall.
[GuineaPigCages.com] Pictures-- Tips For Taking Good Photos?[GuineaPigCages.com] Pictures-- Tips For Taking Good Photos?[GuineaPigCages.com] Pictures-- Tips For Taking Good Photos?


What kind of camera do you have?
I forgot to ask that one, Dee.
Little suggestion for @Zuidy - I love the cameras with the 'Best Shot' feature, they have one for pets that is AWESOME! I also liked the iPhone 4s' camera - 10 MP and just awesome, crystal clear pics. It was my boyfriends (I'm kind poor, okay, really poor), and they are so great!
What kind of camera do you have?

I am using a 4.0 MP camera on my phone (I think 4.0...... Pictures are excellent quality, regardless)

Or, I may be using a webcam on my computer, which, if lighting allows, is an excellent camera as well.
If you have shaky hands, like me, you might need to use a tripod if you have one or find something you can set the camera on so that it doesn't move that much. I checked out a book on pet photography once and got a few tips such as the tripod. As for lighting, natural lighting is best and you can get a softer "natural" effect by turning a lamp towards a white wall or sheet and bouncing it off. That's essentially what the reflectors in studios do, though sometimes those can be harsh. If I find the name of the photography book, I'll post the link. It really helped me out with the pictures in my "April Shoot" album on my profile, though those aren't the best.

As soon as I get my room situated, I'm going to try and work on my photography skills and see just what kinds or photos I can get out of my kodak camera.
I am using a 4.0 MP camera on my phone (I think 4.0...... Pictures are excellent quality, regardless)

MP ratings on cameras are largely overrated. I have seen some fantastic shots from cameras with a lower MP rating!!!

Or, I may be using a webcam on my computer, which, if lighting allows, is an excellent camera as well.

If you have shaky hands, like me, you might need to use a tripod if you have one or find something you can set the camera on so that it doesn't move that much. I checked out a book on pet photography once and got a few tips such as the tripod. As for lighting, natural lighting is best and you can get a softer "natural" effect by turning a lamp towards a white wall or sheet and bouncing it off. That's essentially what the reflectors in studios do, though sometimes those can be harsh. If I find the name of the photography book, I'll post the link. It really helped me out with the pictures in my "April Shoot" album on my profile, though those aren't the best.

As soon as I get my room situated, I'm going to try and work on my photography skills and see just what kinds or photos I can get out of my kodak camera.

Very god point! A white sheet can be used to bounce the light. A mirror can also be used. A directional desk lamp can also be covered with a white sheet or diaper to diffuse the light and create no shadows.
I bought a length of material at the fabric store, and I use that for my background. I just drape it over the end of the sofa, and put them on it. I think it makes it look more professional. Check out my avatar-thats one with the fabric background. I used that pic for my Easter cards...
Maybe this will help :)!!

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