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Petunia, the temporary piggie


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 13, 2004
I picked up Petunia, the class guinea pig, today. What a complete cutie! She is mainly black with some white patches and is totally darling. She is in a dinky My First Pet kind of cage...ugh! I am already making a trip to get her some timothy hay and some clean, fresh bedding. I did give her a treat bowl with various lettuce bits (no iceberg) apple and cucumber and she looked to be in heaven! I am making a C&C cage for our permanent piggies but since they are not even born yet, Petunia will reap the benefits. I can already tell I will have a hard time taking her back to school in the tiny box she lives in and knowing she is not getting everything she truly needs to be a happy and healthy girl. We will have her all summer though and maybe when it is time to take her back, I can convince the teacher to sell her to us or something. I will get some pictures of Petunia (or as my 3 yr old calls her "Tuna") later. I think I am more thrilled to have her here than the kids are.
Here she is!

Okay, posting to myself here. Here is a picture of Petunia, a larger version of the one up by my name.

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She has been down on the floor for a few hours, running around, chewing on a box and checking things out. She is on a neat sheet and has a little area where she can't get any cords or go hide under furniture. She has a sparkling clean cage with fresh bedding, a mound of hay, treats and fresh water. Since her cage is so small, I am keeping her out in her playpen area as much as I can.

Edit: Well, I uploaded a small version of her as my picture but it doesn't show up...hmmmm
She's beautiful!! Congratulations I hope for Petunias' sake she gets to stay with you forever! Hmmmm maybe you should print out all the care facts to return Petunia with when /if the time ever comes.
As I was putting Petunia down in her living room running area with her towel, box and goodies to munch on, I decided that even if she has to live in the tiny cage during the next 2 weeks (until school lets out and she comes back for the summer), that there is no reason for her to be totally deprived. Each morning, I am going to send in with my son a baggie of romain, cilantro, fruit, and a baby carrot as well as some timothy hay. At least she will be getting some fresh food in addition to her pellets.

Are there any tricks to keeping the bedding under her water bottle from getting soaked? I have a dish under it to help and it does help but that area still gets really wet. I also think that if she goes back to school in the fall...that her current cage will have an "accident" and she will be returned in a C&C cage that is larger than what she has.
It may just be the type of water bottle. I had one that leaked constantly. Needless to say I didn't use it for to long. They all will leack at sometime or another. I recomend Farnam Water Bottle for samll animals. It is purple and clear, and the spout points strait down, instead of comming to a bend. Mine only lecks a very little.

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Here is what they look like. They very just a little, but this is the company that makes them
Thanks, I will look for that kind of bottle. Right now, she has a HUGE bottle that constantly drips. It is not a problem in her playpen area on the floor but in the cage, it makes a mess.

After my kids went to bed, I took down her fence from around her playpen area to let her range free. She took a jaunt around the living room, squeaking a bit and then went back to snuggle on her towel. I am taking it as a good sign that she will stretch out and lay her head down on the towel while I am folding laundry or watching TV near.

When I hold her in my lap, she makes a very low squeaking noise (unless you get by her back legs, then she warns you). Is the low squeaking a happy noise, an unsure noise?
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