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PetsMart shock


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Feb 14, 2005
I was wandering around a local mall the other day and stopped in PetsMart out of boredom... I wasn't planning on buying anything, but I wanted to compare their prices to what I pay online. While I found their prices high, no surprise there, I did find something that shocked me: their small animal housing. These pigs were in cages that were 2' by 3', had hay, good pellets (no crap mixed in), full water bottles, and VEGGIES! They were munching on what looked to be green leaf lettuce. Plus, they were using Carefresh as bedding.

Now, I know that those pigs came from mills and I would never consider supporting PetsMart because of this, no matter how well they treat their pigs. I'm not naive, and I know that there are ways in which these animals are mistreated. But I was glad to see that they were treating them humanely in their "display cases". I don't know if every PetsMart is doing this; I so rarely go in those types of stores that I wouldn't know. It seems as though they're making a turn for the better... now we just need to get them to STOP selling period!
Yes Indeed, Petsmart does get their pigs from mills and breeders, but they are very healthy pigs and are kept in good cages in the store. Petsmart also encourages adoption first.
Same with Petco. I go there on a regular basis for sales and I see their piggies almost treated as well as mine mine just have a better home.
RyanR said:
Same with Petco. I go there on a regular basis for sales and I see their piggies almost treated as well as mine mine just have a better home.

YEs, Petco as well. Their cages aren't the best but I guess what can you expect....
I got my first piggy from there and their pigs are pretty well kept. Of course then I didn't know about mills and breeders.
I think Petco treats worst care then Petsmart, but that is my opinion. My petsmart also takes great care of their animals.
Hmm I may have to pop in to Petco as well, I have always had a horrible opinion of them based on what I have heard. I still won't support them though!
I agree. I stopped in at petco once because my friend wanted to go in. SO when we entered it smelled horrible. It smelled so bad that we could not take one more step in the store.
The PetCo in my town is nasty. They keep large piggies in these pathetic aquariums that aren't even big enough for them to turn around in. No hay and their food has junk in it. I extremely dislike that store... I do not buy anything from it.
My Petco's conditions are okay- I got my first two there. One who is suffering with CL, another that is healthy. The conditions there are much better than that of the small pet shops. I still wander in occasionally but don't suppor them.
My Petco seems to be pretty good. The cages are about the size of a 2X3 and there were about 2-3 pigs per cage. They have hay, pellets, about 2 full water bottles, and they use care fresh as bedding. There cages are always clean…when ever I go in there I hardly see any poop in their cages. The cages that they are housed in are up high too. I have to stand up on my tip toes to even see the pigs (I am about 5 feet 2 inches). I think it is less stressful for them when the cages are up high. (No little kids tapping on their cages) There also are please consider adopting signs everywhere. So I have been pretty happy with my Petco, but I would still rather adopt and try to shop at my local feed store as much as possible.
I have a question, I'm agianst breeding piggies, but if people stoped wouldn't population of pigs go dangerously down. Or is that what everyone is aiming for?
I think the aim is to get all of the pigs out of the shelters.
Oh ok. I thought so but I wasn't sure. I got Lilly from a small pet store called "Cape Maid Farms" they treat their pigs pretty good but i wouldn't go there agian. They restock pigs every week. Gross.
I wish Petstores would stop selling animals.
yeah so do I, because they sell them to anyone with no backround info about the person. For all they know the person would take horrible care of the piggy/piggies. I recently went to petsmart to see the piggies and how they treat them (not to buy) and the gross part of it was near me they only sell the boys. They even said they kept girls for breeding. How sad is that? they most likely breed those poor things to death.
CuteButShyPig said:
I have a question, I'm agianst breeding piggies, but if people stoped wouldn't population of pigs go dangerously down. Or is that what everyone is aiming for?

The fact is that in no way will everybody stop breeding overnight. Cutting the population by 25% would probably take 10 years. There is a pig overpopulation.
It is really depressing.
Oh ok. I wasn't sure.
The amount of guinea pigs and even rabbits for that matter that are abounded is very sad.
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