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Petland Store!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Sep 28, 2004
Hello, When I went out to lunch after my hubby got out of surgery. We all went to eat and then his mom wanted to look at puppies at petland. We went in to look at some of their guinea pigs. They had 4 males in one cage and 3 babies in another cage. We noticed that they all had mites cause one of the babies had really bad red bald spot and scratching really bad. We told one of the employees and he took a look at them. He said ok I wont sell them at all. He left a note for the veternarian to take a look at them when he/she gets back from brake. He hung a note up saying guinea pigs not for sale until further notice. I was shocked that he took the time and listened to us. He asked us how we knew about piggies with mites. We told him that we have 22 and we care for them all and we did treat them for mites a while back. I was happy that my hubby and I walked in that store and helped them piggies. Also they had one lion head rabbit in with the baby piggies. We told him that it is not safe and not permitable for piggies and bunnies in a same cage 24/7. He said that as soon as they open a cage up he will pull the bunny out. The bunny loves the piggies and he lets them crawl all over him. In a few weeks we will go back up and check on them.
Great! Good for you, Angel!
Good work.

But I hate puppies in pet stores. From puppy mills or backyard breeders, they are.
Great Job Angel.
That's sad. I mean, good for you for telling them about it but honestly!! They work there, what do they do if not take care of the animals? You'd think he woulda noticed the fact that one of them was bald!!! Makes me so mad!!
I would go check in a few days, not weeks. But good job Angel! :)
Good job Angel! Be sure to follow up, like Ruby said!
They are the private pet store and they dont take puppies from the mills at all. I know the owner and all. I spoke with this guy and he was alone till 4 pm and they just got the babies a few days ago and he was off when these babies were there.
That's cool, just checking. But... isn't Petland a chain store??
Not this one by me. The owner doesn't do everything like the chain store. The only thing he does is the supplies. The animals are from locals.
Petland is a chain, we have two stores around here, and their animals are not healthy.
The one by me is not a chain store. Yes I know that most petlands are. Like subway. The one I work in is not a chain corporate store but he gets supplies from the corporate and the store I work at is private. Listen I did not post this to start a argument of a damned store. Im just refering that I actually helped out and the guy was thrilled that we pointed it out and usually customers just come in there and ignore them. He also said that half of the employees have guinea pigs and rabbits not dogs. So please I do not want this to be heated at all.
What do you mean? Aren't they called Petland? I don't mean to make this heated, I'm just curious as to what you mean.
I can buy a pet store and call it pet land and make it more of a private store and not purchase pups or piggies from a breeder and puppy mills. Just buy supplies from the comany
AngelsCavies said:
The animals are from locals.
Locals = Backyard breeders. Usually not much better then puppy mills. People willing to allow their animals to be sold through pet shops are in it for the money, period! They put any two animals together to breed, breed their animals often and rarely, if at all, have the animals tested for genetic problems and health risks.

BYBs are at very responsible for the animal overpopulation problems we have. Please, please do not ever buy animals from pet shops. You will become part of the problem and possibly will be in for a world of pain when the animal you buy comes up with medical problems.

Want an insight into what BYBs produce? Check out this thread post #33 https://guineapigcages.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4554&page=2&pp=20

As an update to the above mentioned post my living rescued Dane Stella just had another allergic crisis. Her paw swelled up due to an allergic reaction causing her a lot of pain. It came on so fast and swelled so large that the skin split and we are lucky she didn't lose part of the paw. A couple hundred dollars and many hours later, helping her walk and caring for the paw she is finally "out of the woods".

Oh yeah, Stella's bad hips gave out on her last night and she fell down the stairs. Luckily she wasn't hurt. But now I get to escort her up and down the stairs for the rest of her life. Have I mentioned how much I like my dogs' breeder? Can you guess?
Good job Angel for telling him about the mites. Hopefully they will be better when you go back.
Yes, what Voodoo joint said sounds about right. Plus, even if they are 'privately-owned', as you put it Angel, it is still very much connected to chain it spawned from. Unless you're in their to point out their failures, I wouldn't even bother with them. I can gurantee you that the pet store did not get the puppies from pure-bred *responsible*(if you can even call it that) breeders who took the time to trace genetic diseases and find the healthiest pairs.

Voodoo, everytime I here about Stella I have to cry. She's so lucky to have you, any other owner probably would not take care of her after the bills became so extreme. She's in my thoughts.
DocDolittle said:
Voodoo, everytime I here about Stella I have to cry. She's so lucky to have you, any other owner probably would not take care of her after the bills became so extreme. She's in my thoughts.
Thanks but I knew the risks of their health issues when I rescued them. We aren't rich...far from it but we wouldn't deny our pets health care any more then I would my kids. Believe me Stella knows how lucky she is (I tell her all the time).

Here is a picture of Stella is you are interested. It was taken several years ago but it's the only one I have online at the moment. She weights 120 pounds.

Here's Stanley her deceased brother. Hardly more then a puppy in this picture. At his last weigh in before his death he weighed 287 pounds.
I am proud of you Angel for getting them to do something about the piggies.
I got my first gp from a locally owned pet store. And No they do NOT buy there gp from breeders or mills. So you are totally wrong when you say that ALL pet store do this. Animal friends the place I got Princess from did not get her from a animal farm. She was brought to them in a shoe box from someone who didn't want her anymore. She was only the 4th gp they have ever had turned over to them. They don't sell gp's they are a small rescuse here that takes them in. The only things they sell are fish,mice and birds. Which none of the birds are kept in there cages. They have one but are lose in the store. They rescue ferrets,rabbits and the gp's when needed.

I am just making my point. Yes I know .. You don't have to bash me for it either. I probably am one of the lucky ppl to have a petstore/rescue in my town. I can also commend our Petco for not "buying" gps but they will take in adult gp's that need to be rescued. They are also kept in a cage with carefresh bedding,tunnels and they get there veggies 2 times a day. They even give the piggies floor time before they close for the night. Again I know. This is RARE.
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