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Pet store cage doubts


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 27, 2004

I bought a pet store cage for about $80 for my guinea pig i got a few months ago. No i am wndering if i should ahve gotten a C&C cage. The cage i have it about 30inches and the bottom unhookes so i can jsut clean thaat but it doesn't have a second floor. I was thinking that my guinea pig could use more room. Any ideas/opinions?
I think C&C cages are better, because if you don't like your first design you can change it easily. That's what i did. Many people on this site are huge "absolutely no store bought cage" kinds of people, and that's because they are usually made to be way too small. I have no idea how you could make a second floor, i think your better off just making a C&C cage, it certainly wouldn't cost you $80!
is this a wire bottom cage? if so, please cover the exposed wire with newspaper because piggie feet get injured in wire bottomed cages.
well it costed me 30 dollars for the first cage I built back in August. All of the C&C cages combined costed me 52 dollars for the crates and 60 dollars for the coroplast. Thats for 2 bunny cages and 2 gp cages. The GP cages are, the boys cages 2x4x2x4 L shape and the girls cages 4x4 plus a 2x3 connected together. just say 4x7x4x2x1x4. I have pics posted on here so go ahead and see.
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Also combine it together for such a big cages for the gps is 55 dollars for the cagesand for the bunnies is 57 dollars for their cages. So it tells ya how much cheaper it is for the C&C than the store bought. When I got my first bunny it costed me a hundred dollars for a small metal cage and then add the bunny it costed me 112. dollars. For the same price I could have had the crates and coro and the animals.
thankx i am probably going to try to get a c&c cage. to answer starbucks- i do not have a wire bottom cage, i know that they can hurt the gps feet. How much would it cost if i made a c&c cage for 1 guinea pig that had a top level that was only half the size of the bottom level. the bottom would probably be at least 30inches
Get a 4'x8' coroplast for 16 dollars at kinkos and then get one box of cubes for 14.99 and a roll of clear packing tape at Target. It will probably cost you around 35 to 40 dollars with tax.
what is coroplast?
how much do you think it would cost if i made a cage 2 grids by 3 grids with a top level that was 1by 2 grids?
Well, a box of grids is about 10 to 15 bucks. A sheet of white coroplast is about 10 bucks, but if you want colored, it may be more.

These prices vary depending on how much the places near you charge. Call around to sign stores and look at Target for cubes.
RustBottum said:
what is coroplast?
coroplast is a plastic "cardboard" looking sheet. it is what a lot of political signs are made out of. like mentioned above, see the home page of this website for pictures and discriptions.
I would recommend you getting another guinea pig

A 2x3 with 1x2 upper level is a good size for one, but it you plan on getting another you may have to make it a tad larger
Piglet- I cannot get another guinea pig. The one i have i got at a rescue in Connetticut and he is a male. They told me that he was not good with other guinea pigs so i should not put him with another.

Thankz. I am going to try to find a place to get everything i need. Is a 2x3 bottom with a 1x upper level ok for one guinea pig?
Ok then. Yes, that cage is size is fantastic for one pig
Thankx I will try and convince my mom to let me get a bigger cage. I jsut don't ahve that much room in my bedroom for it. but i will try to rearange things.
It was the same for me. My bedroom is tiny and everyone said it wouldn't fit. I got rid of my table and 2x1 of the cage is under my (raised) bed.
how did you raise your bed?

I moved my night table to the end of my bed and now next to my bed i think i have enought room. I still have to convince my mom though.

How big is your cage? How many piggies do you have?
My bed was bought raised. Take a look at my pics and you'll see what I mean. My cage has changed a lot so take a look at the double story one, cos thats the one I have now. My cage is 2x4 with a 1x2 loft. I have two boars.
thankx for the advice. i think i will be able to fit Rusty's cage in my room now. I just moved all the funiture around.
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