Kim's Ark is wonderful... I was shocked to see anyone mention them here, hehe! I've done transport for them for a while (stopped this past year, however. I can't travel much right now and I have a rescue litter I've been trying to adopt out since November).
a few basics to rats:
they need to be kept in same sex pairs or groups.
A lot of commercial and readily available rat food is... well.. bad.. so research what you're feeding them. Many of us use mixes with high quality low protein dog food as a staple with added other things (cereals, soy nuts, fresh fruits and veggies, etc), others use harlan teklad lab blocks which you can get from Kim's Ark.
Wire cages should be no more than 1/2 inches wide spaced bars. a normal 1 inch by 1 inch wire spaced C&C cube cage may be OK for LARGE adult males, but females will squeeze through and young rats will be gone fast (at least they return to their cages, but I'd hate to think of one getting their heads stuck). Best cages we all recommend is Martin's If you want to know the dimensions, check here: (broken link removed)
remember that floor space is MORE important than height, though.
rats are awesome.. they make great pets and I've kept them for 11 years now.. the BIGGEST downside to them would be their very short life spans.. they live 2-3 years, and many unspayed females die from tumors (males as well but I've had more problems with getting female tumors removed than ever with males). Also they have a lot of respiratory problems... and the cheap 2 dollar rat will very quickly become the expensive 200 dollar rat when you add up those vet bills.. trust me there *smiles*