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Bedding Perhaps the best bedding for a litter box or for the whole cage! And it's Kaytee!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 19, 2011
So Kaytee finally came out with a good piggie friendly product!! I use to use aspen shavings in there litter box haybin thing but I wanted something a little softer and not so dusty. I don't like carefresh I used to use it but everytime I clean it out I sneeze terribly so that is out of the question. I considered sunseed sunthing special but it says it's mdae from recycled magazines now don't get me wrong I'm all for re-using things and being eco friendly but I don't think the ink in magazines would so great for my pigs if they ingested the bedding. I also thought about using pine pellets I know what your probably think thats a contridiction if I what soft but I didn't have to have something all pillowy and coushy just not so scratchy like shavings because my girls have sensitive feet and get dry skin easily which I treat with a mini foot or paw massage and some coconut oil. But my issues were A.The cat version didn't say if it was kiln dried or not and I do not take chances and B. I have no where 2 store a giagantic bag of horse bedding. Then I found Kaytee clean and cozy. Pros. It is so soft I would sleep in it , I literally has no dust like they say it's 99.9 % dust free and they could just put 100% cuz that stuff has nooooo dust,It's made from paper and I think it's recycled I'm not sure and it is very absorbant and controls odor! Cons. It does fly out of the litter box and onto my fleece because it is so light but I comes up very easily with a pet hair lint roller.
I bought a bag of it yesterday for my piggy litter box and I love it and they love it! It's so soft that my pigs like to sleep in it, especially when it is fresh. Plus a bag goes a really long way because it expands so much!
sounds like u answer yourself :) i dont see anything wrong with it get a trail bag and see what ur piggies think of it i guess or maybe someone will chime in saying theirs something wrong with it
Good to know, I may look into it for an alternative after winter. I am using wood stove pellets now and doubt that they'll be easy to find after winter.
Are you talking about Total Comfort? I think it's a little softer than Carefresh. I use fleece in my cages but if I ever go somewhere overnight, I use regular bedding and buy whatever's on sale. I like Total Comfort. I also like the Sun Seed. I didn't care for the Soft Sorbent as much because it's little granules that get messy... although is it absorbent.
@pinky no I am not refering to total comfort although I did use that once for my hamster ( rip Dalila ) anyway It is called clean and cozy it's awsome. @arcangel I wasn't asking if I should use it I was just giving my um reveiw I guess sort of stating how excited I am about finding a great product.
I use that in my travel cage!! The best!!!!
Then I found Kaytee clean and cozy. Pros. It is so soft I would sleep in it , I literally has no dust like they say it's 99.9 % dust free...

Thanks! I'm gonna get some and try it out!
I am going to see if I can get it in Canada. I use fleece and for my litter boxes I put newspaper, paper towel and then shredded paper. I buy rolls of unprinted newsprint from our local newspaper office and cross shred it. Your way sounds way..... easier.
@pinky no I am not refering to total comfort although I did use that once for my hamster ( rip Dalila ) anyway It is called clean and cozy it's awsome. @arcangel I wasn't asking if I should use it I was just giving my um reveiw I guess sort of stating how excited I am about finding a great product.

Is it a new product? The Pet Supplies Plus near us cleared out most of their soft bedding about 6 months ago and only kept a couple of brands. The Kaytee bedding was all 50% off. I'll bet it was to make room for the new stuff. I haven't seen the Clean and Cozy yet. How is it different from the other ones?
Is it a new product? The Pet Supplies Plus near us cleared out most of their soft bedding about 6 months ago and only kept a couple of brands. The Kaytee bedding was all 50% off. I'll bet it was to make room for the new stuff. I haven't seen the Clean and Cozy yet. How is it different from the other ones?
Is it a new product? The Pet Supplies Plus near us cleared out most of their soft bedding about 6 months ago and only kept a couple of brands. The Kaytee bedding was all 50% off. I'll bet it was to make room for the new stuff. I haven't seen the Clean and Cozy yet. How is it different from the other ones?
It is softer that total comfort and I think total comfort had some wood in it too and this one is just paper and super soft also has less dust obviously since its no dust!
@TCTrun your welcome definetly try it! I only use it in my litter box and use a piggy bedspread for the rest of the cage but it would also work great for a whole cage bedding
@Delaine I use a puppy pad and then a layer of the kaytee clean and cozy bedding in a cat ;itter box and put it under my girls hay rack.
From the picture, it looks like Carefresh Ultra. Have you used Carefresh Ultra? Can you compare them?
I sent a message to Kaytee to ask what the difference is between Total Comfort and Clean and Cozy. Total Comfort was really soft, too, so I'm wondering if the difference is that all the dyes have been removed from the paper. Total Comfort didn't have any wood in it. I think it's a good thing that Kaytee seems to be trying to improve their small animal bedding all the time. I think the Carefresh Basic was a big step down and really expensive for something that was loaded with pine shavings. I only wish someone would make a more affordable product.
I only wish someone would make a more affordable product.

Amen! I would love to switch to a product made from recycled materials, but they are so prohibitively expensive if using them in a large cage.
I only wish someone would make a more affordable product.
You could use wood pellets. They're really affordable. Only $5 - $6 for 40lbs. bag.
The only down side to wood pellets is that they are really noisy! And they can be hard on piggie feet. But if you have fleece squares for them to sleep on I bet that could work. And make sure they don't have any added chemicals to help them burn, that always made me nervous!
You could use wood pellets. They're really affordable. Only $5 - $6 for 40lbs. bag.

I couldn't find a source for it near me but I'd probably give it a try if I could. I've used Yesterday's News and liked it. Some of my guinea pigs liked to sleep on it in the kitchen area when I had Yesterday's News in there and fleece in the rest of the cage.
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