So Kaytee finally came out with a good piggie friendly product!! I use to use aspen shavings in there litter box haybin thing but I wanted something a little softer and not so dusty. I don't like carefresh I used to use it but everytime I clean it out I sneeze terribly so that is out of the question. I considered sunseed sunthing special but it says it's mdae from recycled magazines now don't get me wrong I'm all for re-using things and being eco friendly but I don't think the ink in magazines would so great for my pigs if they ingested the bedding. I also thought about using pine pellets I know what your probably think thats a contridiction if I what soft but I didn't have to have something all pillowy and coushy just not so scratchy like shavings because my girls have sensitive feet and get dry skin easily which I treat with a mini foot or paw massage and some coconut oil. But my issues were A.The cat version didn't say if it was kiln dried or not and I do not take chances and B. I have no where 2 store a giagantic bag of horse bedding. Then I found Kaytee clean and cozy. Pros. It is so soft I would sleep in it , I literally has no dust like they say it's 99.9 % dust free and they could just put 100% cuz that stuff has nooooo dust,It's made from paper and I think it's recycled I'm not sure and it is very absorbant and controls odor! Cons. It does fly out of the litter box and onto my fleece because it is so light but I comes up very easily with a pet hair lint roller.