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Pelvic separation


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 21, 2012
Hey everyone! It's me again! Still waiting on the babies to get here! I've been taking very good care of the babies and I've been watching them day and night. While hanging out with the girls this morning I checked Lelee's pelvic bones (looking for separation.) When I compared her to my Abigail it seems like the bones have separated a LOT! I can fit nearly two figures there. I've done a lot of research on the pregnancy but I still feel like I get more accurate information here. Does the separation mean that she will be having the babies within the next day or two? I've looked all over to find the most accurate information possible. Anyone have enough experience to tell me if the separation does mean that the babies are coming soon or do they separate at any time before the birth?
I think the pelvic separation usually occurs during the week before birth. If you can fit nearly two fingers in there, my guess is that you're gonna have pups very soon.

Isn't LeLee very young? You want to keep a close eye on her. Very young sows who have only one large pup can have difficulty delivering, and you need to know how to get in touch with a capable emergency vet if you need one. If she has more than one, she'll probably be ok. But I'd still stick pretty close to her for the next couple of days.
She is pretty young, I believe about 7-8 months now. I can feel atleast three in there and you can see the babies move! I do have a wonderful vet though. I've been watching her constantly for a week. I pretty much live by her cage. lol
My sow delivered (one baby) four days after her pelvic bones separated.
I hope that means the babies are coming soon! :) They've been separated for at least two days!
I don't know for sure, but I read somewhere that it can take between 24 hours and 1 week for a sow to deliver after separation. So very soon! :)
Did your girl show any other signs that she was ready to deliver? Lelee is still eating like crazy and I think I read somewhere that they slow down on eating right giving birth? I'm trying to make sure that I am there for her when she does have the babies in case it's necessary.
Hmm...she didn't really seem to slow down eating. In fact, she ate a HUGE plate of veggies a few hours before she delivered. On Oct 28, 2011, I went to sleep at 4:30 AM. When I woke up and looked in the cage at 8 AM, she had already delivered her single pup and completely cleaned up! I'm fortunate there were no complications because she was VERY young and her baby was quite big. I bought her from a petstore and she was pregnant before I got her. Of course, now I know better and adopt piggies now. Her baby is three months old now and I got him neutered recently. In a couple of weeks, he can be reunited with mom and my two other sows!!
Awe that's cute! yeah lelee seems like she's almost eating MORE now than she has been throughout the pregnancy. Every time I walk past their bedroom Lelee will wheek for food. I've given them so many veggies and TONS of hay today. I think I've refilled the hay bowl a total of four times today. It seems insane that she's eating so much. (I know it's just her because I've watched her and Abigail and only Lelee kept eating after the first bowl) It's absolutely adorable to watch her but I'm so anxious for these babies it's ridiculous! :)
HAHA...I was anxious too! They will be here soon. And then, of course, pictures are REQUIRED :)
Oh you know it! I'm setting up baby monitors in the girl's room so that if the babies happen to come while I'm sleeping I'll hear them! :) Can't wait!
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