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Peek-a-boo Piggie


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 22, 2004
We got Daisy less than a week ago, and I have a question about hiding places. I've read conflicting information as to whether or not she should have one initially - some say it's essential to their comfort, some say she shouldn't have one at first because she'll stay there and won't venture out of it.

I have experimented with it and found that she does, indeed, stay in it constantly if I leave it in her cage. So I'm wondering, should I leave it out of there so she'll explore or leave it in so she's more comfortable? I don't want her to turn into a hermit crab, but I do want her comfy. Any advice?
I think its cruel not to have hidey houses. They are timid animals by nature so I think its better to keep the houses. They are prey animals too, so when they get scared their natural instinct is to run for cover. If there are no houses, then theres no where to hide.
If she has a hidey house she'll feel secure, and after a while will start to come out. If she doesn't, she'll be scared all the time and still not want to explore. Have patience - she'll start coming out eventually! (She might be coming out during the night already!)
I know I have read someone else post on the same subject and someone mentioned that you could take out the hide for a little bit during the day. If you don't mind me asking is Daisy all by herself?
mefingas said:
I know I have read someone else post on the same subject and someone mentioned that you could take out the hide for a little bit during the day. If you don't mind me asking is Daisy all by herself?
She's by herself at the moment, but after reading these forums as well as some other literature I'm thinking she needs a friend. I want to get the C&C cage built first, but adding another little girl is definitely in the works.
I think that once you get daisy a friend she will be happier and be out of her hide more often. Just remember that if you get the friend some where else you should make sure to quarentine the new one. You don't want them giving eachother anything bad. It took mine almost 2 weeks to stay out if I was in the same room. But now they usually stay out. Daisy is probably running around when no one is around. Dont worry.
mefingas said:
I think that once you get daisy a friend she will be happier and be out of her hide more often. Just remember that if you get the friend some where else you should make sure to quarentine the new one. You don't want them giving eachother anything bad. It took mine almost 2 weeks to stay out if I was in the same room. But now they usually stay out. Daisy is probably running around when no one is around. Dont worry.
You guys have been so helpful, thanks so much! Hidey house is now a permanent part of her home. :)
I dont know what my girls would do without their house. If I ever remove it from their cage to clean or something, then they start shrieking and they put their paws up against the side of the cage and they wont stop yacking until the house is safely back in their cage. Spoilt piggies....:)
loves2travel said:
I dont know what my girls would do without their house. If I ever remove it from their cage to clean or something, then they start shrieking and they put their paws up against the side of the cage and they wont stop yacking until the house is safely back in their cage. Spoilt piggies....:)
Aww! Loves2travel, Sprite and Pixie are SO CUTE!

Ditto keeping the house in. (even though you have already figured it out, GPDaisy. :)

What I did with my piggies is I let them have a hidey house for about 2 weeks, but after that I wanted to get them socialized a little so I took out their houses for some of the day ( about 5-6 hours) and then I would put them back in during the evening. It didn't seem to bother them too much.
I don't want her to turn into a hermit crab, but I do want her comfy
Yes, keep the hidey house. They can get very sick if they're stressed out so don't risk pushing her too fast.

Try putting a bedsheet over the cage. She needs to start exploring her cage. Pull the bedsheet back a little bit at a time, according to her comfort level. I used the sheet method with my (originally, very shy) pig and we've had him 3 months now and he's very comfortable with us and he used to hide in his cozy all the time and now he just sleeps on top of it! I started by exposing a corner of the cage and pulled the sheet back gradually.

Good luck!
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