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Outdoor Cages

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New Member
Cavy Slave
Jun 29, 2005
I'm starting a business. It's going to be called, "Outdoor Cavy". I haven't built the website site. I'm working on it. Also working on building another cage for show.

Now I know what your thinking, "Oh no, pigs can't survive outside. They'll die sooner than pigs inside." Well, you're wrong. I've had my cavies outside for quite some time now. I have a well built cage. Reguardless living in Southern California. The heat can get extreme, but my pigs have never suffered at all. They get plently of water, food, air, hay and of course, love. I've taken them to the vet a couple times to make sure they were healthly and doing alright in there outdoor enviroment. Vet gave them a perfect bill of health.

I've built this cage sturdy so no animals (Dogs, Cats, Hawks, etc..) can get in. No matter how hard they tried. The cage is built out of wood. Inside I've glued coroplast to the bottom, sides and there other level. It keeps them cooler, prevents them from chewing or getting hurt from the wood, and its easy to clean. I've cut out windows, drilled holes and covered them with wire (safe wire). I've put alot of deep thought into these cages, along with getting opinions from other cavy lovers (some even from this site). They are in a shady area and I watch them over alot. They popcorn around, play and chew on hay. They are happy, and in no danger.

I will have more information on the website when I get it done. I will be planning to sell these cages (Only for So-Cal residents for now), along with built indoor cages, toys and etc. We are building custom cages. So if you want it a certain size, certain design, second level, etc. We'll do it. If you are interested, you can email me.
[email protected]

If you object, thats your choice. You can't tell me I'm a bad cavy owner, because my cavies are happy and very healthly. I agree that cavies should be kept inside, but sometimes, not everyone can do that. Due to parents, allergies, limited room, etc. Which is why I've found a way to put them outside safely.

I don't agree that cavies need to be kept inside. My first three girls were kept outside and had long healthy lives. If they have been used to living outside, then they should cope - but if they have been kept in for most of their life, they wouldn't be used to the outdoors enough to live there. I think it's better for them to be inside, but I see no harm in them being outside. Your hutch sounds great. But if it has windows - won't that cause drafts? Just wondering..
Sounds fine to me. Guinea pigs are animals and just like dogs and cats they should get fresh air. I live in saskatchewan, canada the winters here can drop to -40 degrees C. That's way to cold for pigs to live outside year round, but if it stayed warm all year I would keep my pigs outside to! Consider yourself lucky!!
You should put some pictures up of your cages!
I agree - I think it's vital for pigs to get fresh air. Mine are out most of the day and they LOVE it. They eat, run, sleep, popcorn (that's such a rare thing for me!) and have so much fun.
as long as it's good for all year round, such as if its cooled you have good heating and insolation in there then I don't see why not.
The windows let them get air during the hot day, at night I cover them up. In the morning I take the cover off. Also, if it gets hot, I give them a frozen water bottle to lay up against. They love it.

Its also painted light pink. ^_^

I'll post pictures soon.
You're entitled to make, market and sell whatever you like. However, THIS SITE does NOT promote outdoor cages, despite your rationalizations and justifications. Also, the only people that DO directly sell products on this site donate a small percentage to help out.

I'm NOT calling you a bad cavy owner. I'm simply saying you may not sell or promote your cages on this forum. There are lots of other places and ways for you to market. I've got many, many thousands of dollars invested in this site and forum and do not intend to offer a free ride.

This thread is closed and will be removed in a few days or less. Feel free to write me a private email.
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