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Our Free time..


Cavy Star, Video Contest Winner
Cavy Slave
Jul 1, 2008
Just thought I'd share with you all a few pigtures of Cupcake and Mandy's free time..I lay hopital bed pad that I bought and they stay on it..Never going off it..and Mandy having cluddle time with her human dad. Cupcake doesn't like it...Mandy will not do it with me :sad: Mandy get comfy and then strenches out and closses her eye..it's just so so cute..After about an hour I have to wake them both up...

[GuineaPigCages.com] Our Free time..[GuineaPigCages.com] Our Free time..[GuineaPigCages.com] Our Free time..[GuineaPigCages.com] Our Free time..
aww...they are adorable!
Oh I forgot to add that I do let them for free time in my living room and they only pee and poop on the reusable pad not the carpet..

[GuineaPigCages.com] Our Free time..
Cute!!! I just love pigs!!
How cute!!!!
I love the pigture when one is curled up against the human. She is adorable!
She has alway done that with my b/f. We had her for 4 years. She only did it a few time with me when I had very bad truble with my asthma.. It was like she thought. Daddy not here and I thing I'll lie against mommy (BUT NOT CURLED UP) and try and make her better..
So cute...we have a one named Cupcake too!
How cute! I love your little piggy garden. I'm also enamored with the curling-up behaviour.
She is the multi-colored one. Not the best pic. I find some more.[GuineaPigCages.com] Our Free time..
Cute what's her friend name? Cupcake looks like she is kiss the other..
The other one is Carmella. We adopted her today. The pic was snapped during their introduction. Cupcake is attempting to steal hay. I am hoping Carmella comes out of her shell soon.
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