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Opps, Puppy Pads, & Floor Time


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 17, 2005
Has anyone ever forgotten to screw the lid on the water bottle all the way? Well, I did jus that today. I came home from school and proceeded to clean Cali's cage when I noticed it was a lot wetter than normal. At first I thought "How could Cali have peed so much"? Then I realized my mistake. I had just cleaned her cage earlier today and put fresh bedding but had to throw half of it away. I refilled her water bottle and made sure I did it right this time.

I had a couple of questions about those puppy pads I haver read about on here.

1. Is there a specific brand or just anyone will do? (I bought Hartz Living Puppy Training Pads )

2. Do you use the whole thing or cut it up into smaller pieces?

I tried putting the poop on the pad during floor time but that didn't turn out so well. She kept running through it. I finally found an easier way for me to remove her poops from the cage even though it takes longer. I use a tweezer and that way I don't get a lot of aspen everwhere. I only started this tonight so I don't know if this will be a permanent method or not, but it works for now.
My guinea pigs deliberately pour out their water. I have seen them stand under it and let it run down their face. To prevent the wet bedding we put a ceramic food dish with a sponge in it underneath the water bottle. Might be an easier option than the puppy pads. We just squeeze out the water once a day and save a bunch of money in Carefresh.

Good luck with the tweezers!
I was putting a little bowl under the water but she kept pooping in it. I didn't think to use a sponge but won't the piggys chew on it?
Mine sits rather snugly in the bowl and has a rough top layer. Let me go get a picture for you.
I need to get to sleep now but still would like to see the picture.
wuany said:
I need to get to sleep now but still would like to see the picture.
Having trouble posting a picture. I will keep trying. Sweet Dreams.
I use a large salad-tong type thing to spot clean the bedding. I used to use a scoop and found I was discarding too much un-soiled litter - the tongs allows me to literally spot clean without wasting too much litter. They really look like an extra large tweezer so it isn't as time consuming as using a teeny-tiny tweezer. I work in a restaurant so I got them from a restaurant supplier but I would think they would be available in most any housewares section.

Just an idea.
wuany said:
I finally found an easier way for me to remove her poops from the cage even though it takes longer. I use a tweezer and that way I don't get a lot of aspen everwhere. I only started this tonight so I don't know if this will be a permanent method or not, but it w...orks for now.
You actually use tweezers and clean out the poop in the shavings. How big is your cage and how many piggies do you have?

I have 2 piggies in a 2x4 in aspen and I dont clean out any poops. I clean out their cage every 2 weeks. It does have 3 levels which I spot clean every day since its fabric upstairs but theres no need for me to clean the bottom level.

Good Luck with your tweezers.
Good luck with Tweezers.I just put rubber gloves on and pick up the poops.
Tongs are the only way to go!! :)
pennick said:
You actually use tweezers and clean out the poop in the shavings. How big is your cage and how many piggies do you have?
Well I only used the tweezers last night. I may go buy some tongs though. That sounds like a better idea. I have one piggy for now in a medium Marchioro cage. I thought I had the largest one but found out later I didn't. I plan to make a C&C cage in the next couple of weeks.
Puppy pads should not be used without something over top of them because the pigs are known to eat the plastic. Also don't cut them up, leave them whole. Another thing about puppy pads is don't get the kind with scent because in my experience with them, the scent is what makes the pigs chew them up.

How about getting some of those disposable gloves for spot-cleaning the poos? They work great and when your done you just toss them out.
I ran out of the gloves. I keep forgetting to buy more. It doesn' t say scented on the puppy pads so I think they are ok. How often are they supposed to be changed?
I always changed mine about every 3-4 days unless they really needed changing before then.
Ketus15 said:
To prevent the wet bedding we put a ceramic food dish with a sponge in it underneath the water bottle.

I finally tried the bowl and sponge thing and it works great. Thanks for the idea:) I even have purple sponges that fit right in the bowl:)
Won't they try to eat the sponge?
I'm really glad it works for you!!

My guinea pigs have not tried to eat the sponge. I think it part because it fits snugly inside the dish and they can't get a hold of an edge.
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