As a lot of people know, I got my pepe nutered this week. I had separated my two piggies since they were boy and girl. They got lose a few times but not that long. Well I guess it was a little to late to get for the nuering. Wheezy is now pregnate, shes huge, I feel so bad! I thought since she was nelgleted she was just putting weight on being in a good situation. She has an appointment on monday to get checked out and make sure for sure, but shes looks just like my friends pig whos prenate(also an accident). Does anyone know how the vet check for prenacy? My friends piggy seems to be prenate for a long time.... like 4 months! Is this possiable? Lilly is huge... I mean she probly weighs a good 4 pounds! i have already gone to lynx web site but I havent really found anything I really need.
thanks in advance!
thanks in advance!