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one vs two, cage maintenance, salt



one vs two, cage maintenance, salt

I have one pig in a standard pet store cage. Reading from the CavyCages website, it appears we need to upgrade her housing. She seems to create quite a mess now, and we already have to scoop the cage at least once a day. We're using pine bedding. I would love for her to be in one of the Coroplast and cubes cages, but I am concerned that the Coroplast is not as durable as molded plastic. Since she messes in the corners quite a bit, I am concerned about the flimsiness of corners in Coroplast. Advice on this?

Also since it appears that there is recommendation on having at least two pigs, I am concerned that the droppings and urine will be twice as much.

Finally, we have a salt ring in the cage, and she does chew it, but this also makes her drink a lot, then subsequently wet a lot. Are these salt rings necessary?
Re: one vs two, cage maintenance, salt

Toss the salt ring.

Bigger C&C cages are much easier to clean and you don't have to clean them as often. Read through the testimonials.

Coroplast is plenty durable enough. Permanent.

Well, yeah, dropping and urine will double, but in a big cage you won't notice it. Really. Shouldn't the consideration be the HEALTH and happiness of your pig?
Re: one vs two, cage maintenance, salt

I just wanted to say that the coroplast is very durable and it doesn't leak. I love it!! And do try to get your piggie a friend my two are so attached to each other they are joined at the piggie hip. If one is away the other makes so much noise it's great company when we are not around.

If you have concerns of leaking... on the OUTSIDE of the box you make, run a bead of silicon. We did this as she pees in the corners, and we've not had a leak. On the outside the pigs won't eat it, so most importantly, they won't be sick from it, and second, you're sealing it, in the event it cracks.
Re: Corners

isn't pine bad for them? i thought aspen was the only wood you could use for them....???? anyone?
Re: Corners

Pine is ok as long as its kiln dried. Regular pine however is toxic to them..

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