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one of my piggies eyes.....


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 28, 2004
one of my piggies eyes looks funny well actually both eyes. There is crusty stuff and they water a lot. But when he went to the vet she said they looked fine he has no signs of a cold i have been watching him really closely. Is crusty stuff and watery eyes ok is it from the bedding i use?
First, does you vet see pigs frequently? If not, he may not be very familiar with what to look for. You should ask.

Second, it's NOT normal for the GPs eyes to be watery and crusty. They should be clear, and healty looking.

What kind of bedding are you using, that could well be the culprit?! If it is cedar you should get it out of there IMMEDIATELY!!! Reply with the bedding material and we may be able to help you further with the "is it the bedding" question.

It's rough starting out with a new pig, but you found a great source of information with this site. Keep posting, and we will help as much as possible.
You might also try https://www.guinealynx.com

Best of luck,
cavylover_76 said:
First, does you vet see pigs frequently? If not, he may not be very familiar with what to look for. You should ask.

Second, it's NOT normal for the GPs eyes to be watery and crusty. They should be clear, and healty looking.

What kind of bedding are you using, that could well be the culprit?! If it is cedar you should get it out of there IMMEDIATELY!!! Reply with the bedding material and we may be able to help you further with the "is it the bedding" question.

It's rough starting out with a new pig, but you found a great source of information with this site. Keep posting, and we will help as much as possible.
You might also try https://www.guinealynx.com

Best of luck,
AT my vets office there are two vets a small animals vet and then one that sees larger animals as far as I know he treats quite a few piggies because all my friends go there to have their piggies treated. I use kiln dried pine bedding because cedar is toxic. My guinea pig is a long haired Texel and sometimes the bedding will get stuck in his hair close to his eyes because of how thick at corse his hair is. I will check out that guineapiglynx website as soon as I'm done typing!
I looked on guineapiglynx didn't find anything except that piggies get cruty eyes when they have a URI but he doesn't have one because he is not sneezing, sniffling, or any other sign of a URI
So I think its the bedding, I will try Carefresh or use towels for a while and see what happens

Just because he doesn't have the other symptoms does not mean he doesn't have a URI. They can have just one symptom or many. You need to take him to the vet. Guinea pigs can go downhill very quickly. Please take him to a vet.
Bonnie said:
Just because he doesn't have the other symptoms does not mean he doesn't have a URI. They can have just one symptom or many. You need to take him to the vet. Guinea pigs can go downhill very quickly. Please take him to a vet.
I am taking my new piggy to the vet today so i guess i will just bring Cinnamon along too. For a check up.
about how much is a checkoup
Vet prices

raw810 said:
about how much is a checkoup
well my check up costs $23.50 cents for each piggy it only costs $19.99 for ea. pig if I bring in 4 pigs at a time
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