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One Last Thread


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 28, 2005
Bye everyone, I am going to removed from this site and still visit just not in my username. I'm not being banned, just leaving. To all who helped, Thanx!
Why?! What on earth happened
Why ya leaving??
Because I don't want to be on anymore.
Stay! I hope we didn't say anything to offend you. You gotta say more than that to leave us!
Why don't you want to stay?!

Come on, please stay gpcarman!
It's too late. I already e-mailed the Tereasa (sp) and I asked to be removed.

P.S. I might come back after a while. Maybe
But why? You never answered that question...... :(
Because I feel too different. I didn't adopt, and know almost nothing. So whats the point?
I was the same way when I came on. I have two guinea pigs from petstores (of course I had no choice,) and they are healthy. Please don't leave us!!!!
Try no more. I have gave her another e-mail. And like I said, I might come back.
gpcarman said:
Because I feel too different. I didn't adopt, and know almost nothing. So whats the point?
I was the same as well! I didn't adopt but I learned my lesson. I was only 50% educated about gp's when I came here but know Im 99% educated about them. If you stay things will get better!
What's the point??
To learn more about guinea pigs. Look how much you've already learned, you've got an AWESOME cage and you're doing what you can for them right now.
I didn't adopt, and know almost nothing
It's OK! Trust me, it's ok in this particular situation. You didn't know! It's not your fault about the buying from pet shops. Trust me, we aren't going to judge you about it. It just matters as long as you have learned.

You say you're different... Aren't we all?
No one wants you gone because you're different! :)
gpcarman said:
Because I feel too different. I didn't adopt, and know almost nothing. So whats the point?
What's the point? You're kidding, right?!! The point is KNOWLEDGE! If everyone left because they felt different, or because they bought instead of adopted, there probably wouldn't be very many people here! Certainly not me. I am still learning about my piggies, I bought my two girls, I am waaayyy different, and don't know squat!!! But I am sticking around so I can learn more about them and how to keep them happy and healthy.
You guys have convinced me.
Yay! Thanks for staying gpcarman!!! Happy you're staying!!! XD

I agree with Denise, there would not be hardly ANY people here if everyone left because they felt different. I know I wouldn't be here!

can you close threads?
p.s. I emailed CavySpirit about staying
Yes, just ask Teresa (CavySprit), Ly (Ly&Pigs), or Treen to close the thread.
ok then, I'm going to close this and forget it.
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