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Mounting one girl mounting the other


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Oct 31, 2011
this is my first time having more than one pig at a time. i have two girls, one that's maybe 7 months and another that's maybe 4. the older one, LSP, has been rumblestrutting alot these past few weeks. often she teams this with chasing BMO out of wherever BMO is hanging out. BMO seems to get over this pretty quickly-- she's okay with LSP being the head honcho. They play together sometimes and aside from shows of dominance from LSP they don't fight. but they're not cuddle buddies.

anyway, I don't know if any of that info is necessary of relevant!

But I just saw LSP fully mounting BMO and I'm just wondering-- how long will LSP's "in heat" phase last? Should I separate them for a while? Will BMO be emotionally scarred? :p :eye-poppi
The first question everyone will ask "Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE you have 2 females?" Did you sex them yourself-do you know what you are looking for?
Not asking to be condescending because it's happened to a lot of people.
I'm absolutely sure I have 2 females :) They were both sexed when I got them, and I sexed them myself to make sure--- we went to get this one piggie as a friend for LSP and when I was checking her out, lo and behold, "she" had a nice set of balls! the owner was baffled lol we left that one behind.

but yes, these are definitely two ladies.
Do not separate !! They will work it out and all will be calm in a day or so. I have four females so you can imagine what goes on ! Just be patient and life will be back to normal soon.
The older one is 4 months or 4 years?

If it's years, then there's a possibility that ovarian cysts are involved.

Just want to mention--most of my pigs are not cuddle buddies. They like to be near each other, but usually only share beds or houses if scared. Perhaps your girls are like that.
A normal heat should only last a couple of days at a time, every couple of weeks or so. If you're seeing really hormonal type behavior from her that lasts longer than that or occurs more often, you should probably take her to the vet for a checkup.
no, sorry, LSP is the older one who is rumblestrutting and she is about 7 months. BMO is the younger one, and is about 4 months.

A normal heat should only last a couple of days at a time, every couple of weeks or so. If you're seeing really hormonal type behavior from her that lasts longer than that or occurs more often, you should probably take her to the vet for a checkup.

well, this is the first I've seen her be sexually aggressive, and even when I had her on my lap and was giving her scritches on her back, she tilted her rump up :eek:hmy: however, she's been doing the rumblestrut for weeks now. If it's not accompanied by clearly sexual behaviour, could it just be a display of dominance, or is it always an "in heat" thing?

I was thinking of bringing them into a vet anyways; I think I found a good vet in the area that specializes in exotics and small animals, and they're having a deal right now.. an initial consultation is only $30, so I was thinking of just bringing them in to meet him, have him take a quick look, and then I'll know if I want to go back there if anything is ever actually wrong. So I could follow through with that, and bring this up with him.
At that age, it's almost certainly dominance. You've got hormonal teenagers who are squabbling with each other and trying to figure out who's boss.

But, I'd grab a $30 vet consultation any day, just because they don't come around very often.
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