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On-line Cavy Spirit Store



On-line Cavy Spirit Store

Hello! there I found a good idea to raise money for Cavyspirit, Just give it a try it won't cost you a penny! if you want you can add up a % to the CAFEPRESS.COM price then they'll give you your% My little brother tried it for his Kiddie website yesterday nad BWALA! one have ordered already, The graphics of the products must be your "cavy" cliparts beacause they are so cute then promote it here in your site so that those who will want to help can get a commemorative mugs or somethings. Am in a bit hurry noiw theresa E-mail me immidiatly for more info or read articles and conditions on CAFEPRESS.VOM I recommend this beacause you "CAVY" cliparts from muse arts are just the best to work well for that project this won't cost so why not try!? thanls till then, I'mstarting to work formy website . THANKS ONCE AGAIN


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Re: On-line Cavy Spirit Store

What is the actual link to this store?
Re: On-line Cavy Spirit Store

SCL - I believe you sign up and start your store at CafePress.com.


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Re: On-line Cavy Spirit Store

Hi Briana! I have made a store off of my website with CafePress, but I was just wondering if CavySpirit had a store with them. Thanks, though! :) :)
Re: On-line Cavy Spirit Store

I think that is an EXCELLENT IDEA!
On-line Cavy Spirit Store

Oops.. not on-line for a week, there is still no link for that am only proposing it to Teresa :) I'am surprose to see that this thread has 50 views. It would be good to have an On-line store for Cavy Spirit beacause the official Cavy themes are so cute although am not sure if <a href="https://www.musearts.com" target="top">Musearts.com</a> will let Teresa use it but I think they will. As for SuperCavyLover let me know what's the link for your CafePress account OK?
Re: just tryin'

Okay. You are right. First good new suggestion I've had in a while! I'll get to work on it. Thanks much.


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Re: just tryin'

Have fun with it Teresa! I use it on my site and get alot of sales. I know you will probably get even more -- because raising over 70 guinea pigs isn't easy, and any source of income, I'm sure, can help! And I know alot of us will donate to your rescue :)


Well, good-luck and be ready for it!
It is more likely to be succesful as this website are mainly surfed by individuals of 20 above (but not limited) wich means they have good access through credit cards and visas. And of course am suggesting you to advertise it on the frontpage when it's up and running I knew how many will be interested. One more thing your site's users are always coming back to be updated and when time comes for that on-line store.... bet that will be a big boom.
Be sure to use clearly marked, well defined outline graphics. And resize it bigger than you'll expect beacause the size that you'll see while you're editing the pictures are alot will appear smaller. Cafepress provides guides for that so have a look. -thanks


Re: Good-luck

Yes, it's going to take me a while to get it right. Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely post about it when it's ready and put links on my sites.

Thanks again.
I give it a try!

Well I try to browse it (won't tell).
Try not to put heading images on top using the <img> HTML beacause that will slower the loading time of the page where that image came from and that can cost a bit more in your hosting company.
Re: I give it a try!

Don't bother looking at what I have so far. It's nothing. And it's going to be a few weeks as I have a lot of business travel right now. It will take me a while to get it done, because I'll need to do some work on the graphic images before I can fine tune the shopping thing.


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Re: I give it a try!

No that's what not exactly what I meant, what I do is I myself try how things work. I try it first by putting a picture from my disk to one of free homepages that I'am managing then I make an account to cafe press and put my logo by use of the <img> thing.. I then came back to the site where I put it first and the picture's loading two times slower. I then ask (broken link removed) if this will affect to the price that one will be paying if he/she avail a hosting service and she say yes. I never knew that you started it yet as for the Cafepress account I now cancel the account. Am also planning it for the future -thanks
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