On-line Cavy Spirit Store
Hello! there I found a good idea to raise money for Cavyspirit, Just give it a try it won't cost you a penny! if you want you can add up a % to the CAFEPRESS.COM price then they'll give you your% My little brother tried it for his Kiddie website yesterday nad BWALA! one have ordered already, The graphics of the products must be your "cavy" cliparts beacause they are so cute then promote it here in your site so that those who will want to help can get a commemorative mugs or somethings. Am in a bit hurry noiw theresa E-mail me immidiatly for more info or read articles and conditions on CAFEPRESS.VOM I recommend this beacause you "CAVY" cliparts from muse arts are just the best to work well for that project this won't cost so why not try!? thanls till then, I'mstarting to work formy website . THANKS ONCE AGAIN
Hello! there I found a good idea to raise money for Cavyspirit, Just give it a try it won't cost you a penny! if you want you can add up a % to the CAFEPRESS.COM price then they'll give you your% My little brother tried it for his Kiddie website yesterday nad BWALA! one have ordered already, The graphics of the products must be your "cavy" cliparts beacause they are so cute then promote it here in your site so that those who will want to help can get a commemorative mugs or somethings. Am in a bit hurry noiw theresa E-mail me immidiatly for more info or read articles and conditions on CAFEPRESS.VOM I recommend this beacause you "CAVY" cliparts from muse arts are just the best to work well for that project this won't cost so why not try!? thanls till then, I'mstarting to work formy website . THANKS ONCE AGAIN