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Oh No!!! :(


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 18, 2004
What have I done :( My poor guinea pigs. They live in a wire based cage in an out-of-the way area. I have the cubes but I use them to make an outdoor cage. We rent, have 3 small children and I just can't find anywhere inside to house them. I feel terribe. My husband is going to kill me. That horrible cage cost us way too much *sobs cries etc etc*. I may have one area I can put them in but it could be trickey. Husband is not going to be happy. He's not a guinea pig person.
Noo!! Well first of all, we all make mistakes! Secondly, how much did the cage cost? Please, get them out of that because of the wire base and I'm probably guessing its kinda small. Is there any way of rearranging the furniture in order to make some more space? Well, at least you have realised your mistakes!
Ok, I'm over my initial panic and have been thinking furiously. I think I've found a way. I'm going to cut the end out of their cage, add 2 cubes and then put another layer on top. That way they'll still have their big comfy box to sleep in that's easy to clean and they'll have a bigger area to play in. At the moment I'll be using cardboard (very temperary :)) until I can find something for the floor. I also think I've found somewhere inside that's quiet but not totally out of the way. It's a sort of nothing room off our lounge. It can also be seen from the kitchen and dinning room. I use it for sewing and the kids play with their train set on the floor. It's far enough from the tv to not be too noisy but still where they can be involved. Phew :) Feeling much happier. Now I just need to find something for the floor lol

By-the-way.....this is a really great site:)
i find only pregnant sows needto be placed iun a quiet area.I have 6 in my room and my music is always on(pretty loud at that) and not even skiddish at all.Yea this site is pretty sweet eh hehe =D
cavylover said:
i find only pregnant sows needto be placed iun a quiet area.I have 6 in my room and my music is always on(pretty loud at that) and not even skiddish at all.Yea this site is pretty sweet eh hehe =D

LOL I only have 2, but they are in my dining room. There is someone in this roomat least 85% of the time we are awake between eating, computers,homeschooling, kid art stuff, etc. I live in a squarish house, so the kitchen is to the right and the living room directly across from their cage. I have 3 kids (boys) so the GPs are already very used to noise. They seem tobe fine with it. The first week they ran into their house everytime they heard us, but now they don't even run when they hear the stomping of toddler feet.

I am really happy and a little frustrated. I have everything I need to make my cage.......except floor and bedding lol I am finding it difficult to find the colorplast (real estate doesn't have any) and the pet shops here don't seem to cater for small pets :( I know here in Australia most people have large yards and, therefore, dogs or cats. But surely the local pet store could manage to get some Woodypet or something for people with little pets. *GRRR*
But Flossy and Willy are now inside (still in their old cage but with cardboard). And, within the week I will have their new cage ready :)
Glad about the noise. My children are boy 6, girl 4 (5 in Sept) and boy 19 months. Things can get very roudy lol
YAY!!! Good for you. I'm glad you're building your new piggy cage. That's awesome! If you're having a hard time finding bedding, you can use shredded paper towels, cloth diapers, towels, fleece... the list goes on. =) Good luck!
Whooo!!!! I'm all set. I looked up Plastic in the yellow pages and found the coroplast (corflute here in Aust). Wanted to get it all in one piece but it wouldn't fit in the car so I got small pieces and I'm just going to take them together. Found a pet warehouse with Woody Pet and I'm all set to go. Now I just have to work out how to put it all together :)

I am so happy!!
=) Good for you!! Good luck on the new piggy cage (and the taping).
I think it's awesome that you're doing such a nice job for piggies...they are very lucky to have you. Have you considered using fleece for bedding? I have been using it for several weeks and find it's pretty easy to maintain....plus cheaper in the long run....and my piggy loves to run around on it and snuggle.....she's very happy!!!!
Great Job!!

Awesome TFrog!! :) HeHe. Great job! You didn't give up, either!

Lots of Love,

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