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Oh No, I see blood!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Oct 22, 2004
I need suggestions. I have my approx. 6 month old boy in with my approx 1 month old girl. I just got them three days ago. All went wonderfully, they seemed to get along just great. I wanted to let her have one litter, and then seperate the boy and girls. Well, I swung by the cage just a bit ago and found that the girl had a big gash on her nose, and it had a layer of fresh blood on it. Any suggestions? I want desperately to keep them together.
No NO NO!!!!!!!!! What were you thinking?!?!?!?!?!! Get them seperated right away, and please, please, PLEASE dont breed anymore!
get the boy nutered so you can keep them together. I have my boys seperate from the girls. dont breed at all.
all right, my post was a little harsh, and Im sorry if I offended you. I was just shocked to see some stuff. Basically what I want to say is please dont breed, if you want more piggies, go to a local rescue. And is the piggies dont get along to the point where one bleeds, PLEASE seperate them.
OK, I understand this is not a breeder friendly board. However, I am an extremely responsible individual who cares very well for his pets. I was going to house 5 or 6, but couldnt find a convenient rescue. The one we did find turned out to be a pet store in an animal hospital. (I still dont understand that one) Anyways. I thought this would be a great way to go. We get the pleasures of having little ones around, plus my 6 year old gets a little lesson in the way of life.

But that is beside the point, if you are so bent on the happiness of the pigs, then your first concern should be the fact that a guinea pig was injured, I need some advice on how to handle that situation.

I must say I am very disappointed in many of the crude responses I have received from this members of this board. I ask for help and only get reprimanded.
And it figures, the moment I send a mean message, someone goes and apologizes.
I'd boil some water, leave it to cool and then clean the wound. If it's very deep or there's any sign of infection (swelling, if the wound feels hot, discharge) then take your pig to the vet as antibiotics may be needed.

The Guinea Lynx forum is great for medical information https://www.guinealynx.info/forums/.

I hope you do reconsider your decision to breed as there are so many homeless pigs in the world already. Far better to teach your child care and responsibility through highlighting how irresponsible people can be and how you can actually help and make a difference, than to breed and simply show her how cute babies are and that they grow. In any case, you can't post about breeding on a board which is very openly about the fact it doesn't support breeding in any way, and expect not to get challenging responses. It's like posting a meat recipe on a vegetarian forum - inappropriate.
I hope your piggy gets better!!!
Please rethink you decision, there is a 20% chance that your sow can die, if you breed. If you really really really are worried about your sow, then you will do as much research as you can about breeding and pregnancy. And make sure you take her to a good, expeirienced vet to make sure the pregnancy/birth goes ok. It is your decision no one here can tell you what to do. We can just voice our opinions, which may be different from yours. But in the end it only matters what you decide not what we think. We can only nudge you in the right direction.
"However, I am an extremely responsible individual who cares very well for his pets."

Responsible people do not breed, Period. Please read the cavy spirit link on breeding to make an educated decision. https://www.cavyspirit.com/breeding.htm

I was concerned about the wound, but that is fixable. The thing I was worried most about was that you are breeding a 4 week old baby. I don't know much about breeding as I would never do it (you wouldn't either if you saw the pigs I have seen at the shelters and the rescue groups I have visited) but I'm not even sure that you can breed a 4 week old! Sounds terrible to me, but I hope all works out for your pigs in the end.
Even if you do want to breed, isn't a one month old sow way too young? I read that an ideal age is about five months old...?
One month is to young to breed, and like everyone else said, don't breed at all. The cut should be fine, I cleaned my pigs out (it was on his side) and it stayed a scab for a while, but Its gone now, his fur grew over.
Sorry that everyone is having the same reaction, but like treen said, you can't expect to come to a site that is obviously against breeding and talk about it expecting people not to say anything negative.
I believe I may reconsider the breeding. After looking at my other post, I wasnt sure that she was really that young. Now that I found out that I can just use cardboard, the other cage will hopefully be set up tomorrow night. The thing is now I have to get another boy and girl to keep them company.
1 month is so incredibly young, she could even die from being so young and pregnant. The youngest a sow can have babies is 10 weeks, and that is still very young. Please do not breed, especially announce it to such a forum.
I hope she gets better, and I hope that you take everyone's advise not to breed.
And what do you mean by cardboard? Don't you have a 2x8 cage that you could just seperate them in 2x3's?
Hi, welcome to the forum! I agree, breeding isn't a responsible decision, but I'll respect it for now. Please do read www.cavyspirit.com/breeding.htm. Thanks a bunch, and I hope your pigs are doing well!
jhoban, as one who has also been on the receiving end of some unfriendly responses, I welcome you to the forum. Please understand not everyone believes the same way and respect others opinions and stick around, these people have some absolutely wonderful advice. I thank my lucky stars I stumbled across this site! They have opened my eyes to many things I didn't see before.
I have a 2x6 aquarium. that is going away and I am making 2 2x3 cages with the grids. not to mention some upper levels.

Anyways, I was planning on 4-5 pigs when I started this. Since I couldnt find any rescues around here, I decided to only get 2 and let them breed once. That would give me my 4-5, hopefully. I had no idea she was so young, so that plan has changed. Give me 24 hours and the new cages will be up.
That's great news! I bet there are rescues around you, look on google, petfinder, or on (broken link removed). Thanks so much for being so cooperative!
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