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Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 26, 2005
I have noticed lately that I compare everything to my GP's. Am I a slave or what! Just this morning I was watching tv and have you ever seen that car commercial where this ladie is inside a mini van and rotating to see the whole car. Well that reminded me of Roxy and Lily for some odd reason. Also I find myself thinking of how I can make changes to my cage, Like if I am in Linens and Things and I see a cheap toy couch, baby blanket, or anything cozy I think of them. I love this site, but man am I addicted :p.
I know what you mean =) First thing I do when I wake up is go check on piggies.. last thing I do before bed is pet the piggies.. last thing I do before I leave for work.. check the piggies, pet the piggies.. say goodbye. First thing I do when I get home from work.. check the piggies. I love having them in such a big cage at the side of my living room.. every other room I go into I have to pass them first.. Pepper comes when called now. Everyday is another reason to buy a new toy or give them a treat. Its a good thing I'm working.

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