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Not sure what to do


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 14, 2004
My guys are fighting again. This time the 'wars' are between Chewie and Apollo.

I just recently got a new scale and the first week I weighed them Chewie was 1275 grams then next week he was 1200 grams. I first though it was a URI, but he would eat the pellets when I gave them to him, and he had no other signs of sickness. THen I thought maybe it was teeth issues, but he didn't have any signs of that either. Then when I had the bottom level of their cage open for floor time, I saw that only Chewie was out. When he tried to go back in the cage Apollo was guarding the cage and as soon as Chewie came close to the cage Apollo would lunge at Chewie. So I immediatly seperated Apollo out and into a 2x3 in my livingroom.

My problem is that I can't get another guinea pig( I don't think), and Apollo and Chewie can't be together. Atticus gets really distressed when he isn't with Dagwell. So I can't figure out how they should be seperated up. Should Apollo be alone or should Chewie? This morning I tried re-introducing them with a buddy bath but with in 5 minutes they were all fighting again. Should I try the buddy bath again? Should I spllit up Dagwell and Atticus? If not, who get's to live with them?
You may have to experiment with putting different pigs with Apollo until you find one that he will get along with. If you tried a buddy bath already and it failed, there isn't much point in doing it again.
I'm sorry this happened dag.
I just realized that I did the buddy bath but I forgot to clean the toys and coro. Will two baths this week be too much?
Yes, it would. Have you tried to see if they will get along during floortime? If they will then you can clean the cage very well including the toys and coroplast and try putting them together again.
I haven't given them floortime since I seperated them. I'll do it later tonight, I need to get vinegar to clean the cage and toys.
An update. I gave them floor time after cleaning my rom and spraying some good smelling spray around. I gave them a giant pile of hay, then every hour or so gave them another toy until they had everything. I cleaned there cage with vinegar and put in freshly washed fleece. They are all living happily together again. They still argue when they are on the hay loft, so I'm gonna add another hay rack on the bottom floor. I'm so happy they are being nice-ish to eachother.

I'm no expert in piggie matters but here is my suggestion...I'd say don't split up your boys who get on well, it'd be a shame if they had to be split up. Maybe try again with your two that are fighting and if they still don't get along and you can't get any more pigs, why not house them in cages next to each other but with a divide down the middle separating them? This way they can still see & smell each other and so won't be lonely but also won't fight which could cause nasty injuries.

Good luck sorting out your piggie problem.
I really hope they get along better now! It's so frustrating when they fight!

For my case, my management style of them is rather verbal. =)
I would scold them. My voice would raise up when i called one of my girls' name. Emily. She is the more mischeivous piggy. She knew that she did something wrong when i scolded her and she stopped her action. Stare at me and blink innocently...then she starts again..temporary peace for me..
Thanks, but they are getting along fine... for the moment.
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