It's hard losing a pet. I lost my first bunny in April, and he was only 2, extremely young for a bunny! I was devastated and cried the whole night. Its very hard losing a beloved companion, and I wouldn't care at all for the holidays either. There is no other cure than time, and your heart will heal and each day will become easier. It's just from experience. As for the piggies, appreciate that they are still there. They will probably notice a change in your behavior and comfort you. After losing my bunny, I missed the companionship of a pet, as he was my only pet at the time, and by luck, I found a wonderful lady on CraigsList with the exact twin of him! Skippy is happily with me to this day, and helped me through the hard time. He even went to the grave with me and stretched out there. It was so touching. I wish you luck in recovering during this hard time.