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Not exactly Santa Clause...


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 7, 2007
As my sister put it some people have santa clause come down their chimneys but not at my house. My dad went to start a fire in our fireplace and we were in for a big surprise. He opened the vent and I saw something black fly out. Followed by my cat running after it. We moved our couch to find it and it was a bird! We chased it upstairs where my sister started screaming. The bird and me and my sister were freaking out so were the dog and cat. At one point the bird flew into my room with my pigs which made me worry even more. Then it flew into the kitchen, then the living room, then flew into the poster on our wall thinking it could land! From there we finally caught it after what felt like 15min! And we released it into the backyard. What a great night lol. In french class we were just talking about funny bird and cat stories well now I have one. Next project, putting a screen on the top of our chimney.
We have a fireplace in our living room. We have some tennants in it so we don't use it. In the spring and summer there is a family of birds that live in the top part, but there is some sort of stopper up there so they can't come down the chimney. My husband wanted to try it out one time, and I wouldn't let him mess up the bird's "apartment".
We have bird problems with our dryer vent. It enters the house in the attic, and slants downward a full story. Birds go in after the lint for their nests, and fall all the way down. Let me tell you, it does *not* make for a good morning opening up the dryer to toss in a load, and out streaks a big, fat crow! :eek:
We have bird problems with our dryer vent. It enters the house in the attic, and slants downward a full story. Birds go in after the lint for their nests, and fall all the way down. Let me tell you, it does *not* make for a good morning opening up the dryer to toss in a load, and out streaks a big, fat crow!

Ok, I know its not funny but- lol I am cracking up over here!
LOL, reminded me of when my dh and I had a bat in our old house. diving and finally catching the thing.
One time when I was little I left the door open and a bird flew in. It flew all around the house. Then it landed on my bed. I do not remember how we got it out, but I know it was a fun day!
lol Funny stories. This bird was freaking out. At our old house we had a bird come through out dryer went too.
In our old house My brother left the door open, and a stray cat got in! You should have seenmy moms face! Of course I was begging to keep it, but my mom shooed it out with a broom. :(
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