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Not eating veggies


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 17, 2005
We've had Josie now for a week and she is still not eating any veggies. She will eat her pellets and hay but thats all. Cali starting eating veggies from the get go. I've tried cilantro, romaine lettuce, green leaf lettuce and a red pepper and she still won't touch them. If she doesn't eat them now will she eventually eat them when she sees Cali eating?
After they are introduced when quarantine is over, Cali will teach Josie that veggies are safe to eat. I have gone through that twice with sows and with my new boar, he doesn't eat many veggies either. He mainly will only eat a small bit of bell pepper, green beans, apple, corn husk, a few nibbles of fresh dandelion greens and fresh grass. He does eat a very good amount of hay everyday along with 8-12 oz. of water daily. I try him with other stuff all the time, but he doesn't eat it. I don't think his previous owners gave him veggies. My girls will eat almost anything they are given, except collard greens and oranges.

So just keep offering, but only very small amounts until she can be intro'd to Cali.
Thanks Ly. I'll keep trying.
wuany said:
We've had Josie now for a week and she is still not eating any veggies. She will eat her pellets and hay but thats all. Cali starting eating veggies from the get go. I've tried cilantro, romaine lettuce, green leaf lettuce and a red pepper and she still won't touch them. If she doesn't eat them now will she eventually eat them when she sees Cali eating?
My girls are picky with veggies too. So you're not alone. My one girl Luna, will eat dandelion greens for a little bit, but as soon as she sees lettuce she's done eating dandelions. So far, she hasn't eaten any cilantro, parsley, or red bell peppers. She just likes lettuce. I even tried apples today, as a sweet treat, and she tried it, but wouldn't eat the whole piece.
I agree with Ly, my other girl shows her what's good to eat. But Tigger a.k.a., the Veggie Vaccuum, eats very quickly. I've started taking Luna out and feeding her separately while Tigg eats in the cage.
Good luck! =)
Mine are good with their veggies. However, CC wasn't treated well at the petstore so getting veggies is like heave to him. Smores was raised on them in the shelter, but as of today. He never had a slice of apple and he is eating that up like no tomorrow.
Well so far Josie has eaten half a grape. I know not to give her alot of those but at least she finally ate something different.
Cavies are notoriously suspicious and I think they are resistant to changes.

My first pig, Daisy, wouldn't touch anything other then lettuce and her occasional carrot or apple. Then we got our other girl, Dilly. Dilly was a much more adventurous eater. Daisy quickly took interest in the other veggies like peppers and cilantro. I think it was more out of jealousy then and actual liking for them. No matter why it was Daisy now eats all of her veggies. I'm sure yours will too once Cali shows her how.
I had the same problem when I got my new piggy. But after I put him with his buddy he got the idea and now I can't make him stop. He is now twice the size of my other pig, and eats like...well...a pig!
I wonder if that will happen with Josie. She is so small right now. 324 grams. I'm not sure how much that is in ounces or pounds. This is Josie.
Well you must be unlucky, mine doesent stop eating. Once i took him to the late night shopping in the city and i left him in a box on the back seat we got our veggies and stuff and when we got home 2 hours later most of the veggies was gone and we found him sleeping inside a plastic bag.
Louis, just as an FYI, plastic bags aren't the greatest things to have around piggies.
Someone in another thread suggested shredding the veggies for a new one that won't eat.
Cujo and Sebastian both love string beans and romaine lettuce, but when i get up in the morning and get home from work at 3pm they want an extra treat. Cujo wants pear or apple - Sebastian no longer wants apple - he only wants tomato. Sebastian will nibble a bit of banana but Cujo would rather starve. Their tastes are so funny and they make you run like a slave to keep them happy - but I wouldn't have it any other way!!

They both love their hay and hate their pellets.
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