OK now please don't get upset with me for what I am about to say. I am also willing to hear your opinion on this topic as well.
Now you are seeing more and more pet store only adopting out animals from local shelters that are in need of rescue. In the city I live in there are so many adoption programs going on that are great through pet stores.
Now I got my 2 boys from a pet store. I was unaware that I had guinea pigs in my local shelter and I do admit that it was my fault for not checking the shelter more often for them.
Both of my boys came with total information on them that included the date they were born, pics of mom and dad, and notes for each of them from the breeder. There cages were clean and so were they. They were also very social.
I did stake out a few pet stores though before I settled on the one I did.
I guess I am just trying to say that not all pet stores are evil. Yes, there are so that should be shut down on the spot. If were are so concerned with all the homeless unhealthy pets in pet store that mostly will end up in shelter due to people growing old of them etc. then why are we still breeding them out of our homes?