I just introduced my perfectly healthy, quaranined boars for about an hour and a half. I have yet to put them in the same cage because I want to make sure I can be with them an entire day so I can watch their behavior. I was just curious if they had a normal boar introduction. There was only one mount, some butt nipping(if they have a high-pitched squeak but aren't bleeding, I shouldn't separate them, right?) , chasing around, and Cocoa kept on raising his head up above Pippin's. I believe Cocoa(my older boar) is more dominant than Pippin. Is this normal boar behavior? Will they calm down in time? Their new C&C cage is a 1 3/4x7 with one 1x1 3/4 second floor on each side of the cage that act as their 'bedroom', where I keep they're pigloo that I figure is all their own. I also have one extra hidey house, a hammock, a tunnel made from fiddlesticks(are these okay to ingest?), twoo food dishes, two water bottles, and a veggetable dish. Is this enough?