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Cavy Gazer
Dec 11, 2004
Today I went up stairs where I will be putting my new cage and It was really cold. Then I asked my mom and we looked around for a heating vent. Their was one but it was blocked off by the people who lived in my house before us. The sad part is that I don't have any room in any of the other rooms to put my cage except for my old room which can only hold a 2x4. I am soooo mad. Do you have any ideas of what I can do or what is the lowest tempature a cavy can live in. Thanks Queenie
The lowest I would put a pig in is 65 degrees. I don't know what you should do, but that sucks.
Maybe a full upper level will help. I have limited space myself and an upper level is the only way I can have more cage room. A space heater can keep the area warmer, but it is kind of expensive to run all day and night, plus it is (in my mind) a fire hazard. I never trusted those things.
yes I know, it is horrible.
How many guinea pigs do you have? 2?
My mom also said that those are a fire hazord and so expensive,.
Well I do have 2 at the moment but I want to build a big cage for for them.
Could you do something to make the cage warmer? Fleece bedding? Lots of cozies? Drape a blanket over the cage? How cold does it get?
Well, I think it is about 64 degrees. To me it is not very cold and it is not that cold anymore. We are in the 50-60 area. I will use fleece for their cage and I just bought 3 big cozies for my cage. I also can drape a towel over part of it.
Maybe put a thermometer in the room and check it at different times of the day to get an average temp.
Thats sounds ok. What 64 in celcius? We don't really work in farenheit
I actually read on Guinea Lynx that peple use those heated discs under the fleece. They are ceramic and you microwave them and they hold heat for hours. I believe they are actually made for under dog beds.
I think I saw a heater that plugs into the wall, that you would normally use for a dogs outdoor kennel, and the box proclaimed that I doesn't suck up energy... so cost effective. And I know they have them for the dogs water bowls too...
cool, I will look at some stores and websites. I like the heating disc idea. Do you know where you get them or any websites?
I think were on to something! I dont think I would use something that plugs in though. My pigs chew on cords. Lost a phone that way.
Well I have like 4 outlets in the room that are not near the cage so I might be able to do it. I think we are also on to something Amanda.
Ok, I have some things that I think I can do. First of all it is getting close to spring and warm weather. Secondly, I am saving money for those heated discs. I have enough money for 2 but I am still saving. Thirdly,I will have a a lot of hay in the cage so they will be able to snuggle into. Thirdly I have 3 cuddle cups and 1 cozie. Next, I will have a light blanket over the cage at night when it gets cold. fourthly, I will have 3 layers of fleece to keep them warm. ADoes this sound ok, I am still looking for more ideas.
Sounds cool to me. I would be comfortable with the plan if they were my pigs.
ok, thanks everybody.
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