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Night light


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 17, 2005
Just curious, how many of you leave a night light on for you piggies? I do and my husband thinks I'm nuts. Just wondering......

I can't sleep with the light of my alarm clock on- so I put it on the top of the cage- face down. It illuminates part of the top level, and puts a tiny bit of light on the bottom.

I think a night light is fine as long as it does leave some darkness. I am sure pigs, like us, prefer to have some dark time, as florecent lights flicker on and off at high speeds and cause headaches and pain around the eyes.
I use a night light in the pig rooms here.
I dont April loves the dark it means she has undisturbed quiet
I leave night light on but in the oposite end of the room. So there is light but close enough to see and not close enough to bother them.
Slap, I'm just like you, I cannot with an ounce of me sleep with any light. I don't have an alarm clock, I do not actually have a clock, cause I can't stand the sound of the ticking as well. Smudgee sleeps when I sleep, and goes to bed at the same time as me, and doesn't make a sound till I open the blinds in the morning. He is the greatest thing in the world. So to awnser your question no, I do not use a night light for me, or my cavy.
I have a string of multi-colored christmas lights above the piggers cages in the bedroom and when it get's dark they get turned on and then when I am ready to go to sleep, the christmas lights go off.
I have a nightlight in my son's room which is also where the piggies are.
I've never thought about putting a small light on for them at night. I don't suppose they really need it though. I've heard they can see it the dark...
We leave the bathroom light on - years of having small children. Now that they are all grown up we just leave it on for the kids (guinea kids). It is far enough away not to disturb them but close enough for comfort. I found that when it is off they seem alot more restless.
Personally, I don't see the need. My alarm clock is on the floor, so I guess some light of the dial shines into the cage. They love the dark - as soon as I switch my light off they start running around and exploring
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