Hi! My name is Karen and I have been browsing your wonderful site for about a week now-ever since I decided I desperately needed 2 pigs! Thanks to this forum, I have been searching the internet and found 2 beautiful girls at Lollypop Farm West. They are located in the Petsmart store in Brockport, NY. My children and I made a 5 hour round trip to rescue them yesterday. They are shorthaired sisters-about 6 months-who were confiscated for cruelty. I am SO glad to have found this site before I purchased from a petstore. (head down) The Petsmart where the girls were located only has shelter animals so I was delighted with that. The girls-Kiki and Lulu-are in a 2x3 C&C cage. Was going to be 2x4 but this size fits perfectly on my son's unused train table. Once they get used to their new cage I am going to build another level to give them more space. Anyway, I have very much enjoyed reading everyone's posts and am glad to be part of your community. Karen