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Cavy Slave
Apr 18, 2012
hi everyone,
i got 2 girls about 4 weeks ago and they are settling in now.
looking at all the pictures on this makes me want loads more ❤️
Welcome! I'd love to see photos of yours. Just starting out with new pigs, I'd wait awhile before I added more. Cage cleaning, nail clipping, etc. all need time to figure out and the more you have, the more juggling there is. I have 8 in four cages and I have a good routine to care for all of them but I've been doing it for years so it's been trial and error to set up a good routine. It can be overwhelming if you have a lot of them and they get sick, etc. It can get expensive so you need to plan ahead for emergencies.
Oh ok thankyou, i will post pictures tomorrow when i get home. Also i was just wondering, do you have a pet shop cage or a c&c cage. i was also wondering if it is better to have 3 or 4 guineapigs as i hvae 2 but my brother now wants to get one and i was wondering if that one needs to have a friend or if it will live happily in a three? am i able to introduce another one?.
Hi and welcome. Most pet shop cages do not provide enough space for guinea pigs. Check out this Guinea Pig Cages, Your Cavy At Home for reasons and cage sizes. It is best for guinea pigs to live with a friend or friends. Please make sure all you pigs are of the same sex or that the are spayed or preferably the male/males are neutered Sexing Guinea Pigs: How to Sex a Guinea Pig . Here is a link to the social life of guinea pigs, including how to quarantine a new piggy and how to do introductions Guinea Pigs Social Life .
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