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New Piggy Grandma


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 26, 2012
We just adopted 2 boars. Currently they are not being housed together because they came to us separately and one of them has mites. So until that gets fixed we can't house them together. Its been about 8-10 years since I have had guinea pigs. And although these belong to my children technically, I still consider them mine. One of them we named Charlie and the other is named Sammy. How should I introduce them? Or should I put all of my questions in a different thread? Sorry, new at this. I have a few questions though. BTW, my name is Cheryl. Glad to be here. Any and all advice is welcome.
Hi Cheryl, welcome to the forum! I also have a boar called Charlie who I got two weeks ago :)
His original name was Franklin but we thought Charlie sounded better with Sammy. LOL Thank you for the Welcome!
I will post pics as soon as I figure out how. LOL I am not very computer savvy.
Thank you for all the information. I will definitely read it. I will post pics as soon as I figure out how to. I am not that forum savvy yet.
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