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new piggie


Cavy Slave
Mar 21, 2005
I got guinea pig about three days ago....i've never had one before. How would i make him comfortable? Right now he hides in his home all the time.
Im ready for any questions you ask me!!! You can make him comftorble by, talking to him in soft nice voices, give him lots of toys, hidey houses, pellets and plenty of VEGTABLES and some fruit.
how long until he feels comfortable enough to come out of his house?
Who knows, maybe a week until he gets used to you, and sometimes it could take a month, or more even, but for now give him plenty of stuff to do, like toys, and they find a 2nd story in their cage interesting, like a hay-loft.
Yes, adopt him a buddy.
It may take days, make take weeks. Make sure you talk to him/her lots. What kind of cage set up do you have?
Let him get used to his surroundings for about a week before taking him out. Constantly speak to him. Give him some treats from your hand if he will take it. When you feed him which should be the same time every day his veggies, announce it and make a big deal of it. He will come to know from your voice that its veggie time. AFter about a week you can start giving him lap time for about 10 minutes each day, 2 times a day if you can. You can wrap him in a towel on your lap in case he has an accident and pet him and talk to him. It will take a few weeks or maybe more, but be patient, he will come around on his own time.
Someone who ran a guinea pig rescue told me to take away my hidey houses for part of the day so they are forced to inspect their surroundings. I leave mine in all the time now because my pigs are very used to me and come out and run around but at first taking the houses away helped. You might want to wait a few days to do this as to not shock him too much since he moved home so recently.
Piglet said:
It may take days, make take weeks. Make sure you talk to him/her lots. What kind of cage set up do you have?

just a big rectangle cage
pennick said:
When you feed him which should be the same time every day his veggies, announce it and make a big deal of it. He will come to know from your voice that its veggie time. QUOTE]

what kind of veggies are best?
How big is your cage(how many inches or square feet)? You should make a 2x4 c&c cage so then you have enough room for another. It takes time for him to relax so just be patient and he will get used to you. Good Luck
what kind of veggies are best?[/QUOTE]
Romaine Lettuce, Baby Carrots 2-3 times a week, Parsley about 1 spring per- day, cilantro, oranges, apples, Bell peppers daily, Kale small amounts about- every other day or every two days, tomatoes, green and red peppers,
Those are the most popular and, I guess best, the highets amount of vitamin C. low calcium is red peppers which you can feed daily which is the best.

Avoid: onions, not too much parsley or kale, ummm...thats all that came to my head right now.....
Cilantro, green peppers, apples, oranges, (Cirtus fruit is very important for vitamin C), parsley, romane lettuce, grapes.

https://guinealynx.com/nutrition.html This is an excellent website about nutrition.

Spend some time browsing around the entire www.Guinealynx.com for lots of basic information.

Good luck, keep asking!!
superwoman said:
it's 30 x 20
Your cages is WAY too small, the first thing you need to get is a nice 2x4 c&c cage, then adopt a buddy for your pig.
Jane hadn't been handled until four months of age, and I hand fed all her veggies for a year straight until she got used to me. I think time is the only real solution; Jane will make angry noises at me when I clip her nails if I don't bribe her with lettuce, because she feels comfortable enough to be a spoiled little brat around me now. I think tame for a guinea pig is feeling comfortable being absolutely rotten and cute at the same time.

edit: coroplast should be 8-12/sheet at a sign store, and cubes should be 15-20 for a box. So a c and c cage that's nice and big only costs 23-32 dollars. A cage half that size at a pet store can run 60-100 dollars. The difference that will make in their quality of life over the 5-9 years they will live is enormous.
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FRUITS should only be fed in small quantities a couple times per week.

Good everyday veggies would be any type of leafy lettuce (no iceburg), other leafy greens like mustard, collard or turnip greens, cilantro, bell pepper, green beans, a small amount of dandelion greens, fresh grass.

Other things that can be fed 2-3 times per week would be tomato, cucumber, parsley, one baby carrot per pig, a couple leaves of spinach per pig, kale, squash, zucchini, etc.
It should be one baby carrot a day per pig. Don't feed too much citrus fruits or tomatoes because they can get mouth soures. You can feed cabbage but not too much because they will get the farts and bloat.

Some of the things that people haven't said (I think that they haven't said them but they might have) is beets, beet greens, turnip, turnip greens, celery (but cut it into small peices because of the strings), celery elaves, broccolli, tomotiloes (sp? not tomatoes), mustard greens, raddichio, green beans (not dried), peas in a pod (not dried) bok choi, napa cabbage, spinach (but not too much because of vitamin A), umm I cant think of any more right now.

Feed unlimited hay. You can feed alfalfa hay until they are 4 months old and you can feed grass hays any time in their life.
Zucchini? I'm definately going to give my pigs some. That's a people staple in our house, so the pigs might as well eat what we eat! (Almost any other veggie or fruit is that way anyways! Now that they can see us from their cage eating our snacks, they think they deserve a snack too!!)
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