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New pig mom...I think I'm as scared as she is!

  • Thread starter englishdaffodil
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Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 4, 2012
Hi, All,

I'm new here, and looking for reassurance!

I'm a brand-new pig mom. I brought Miss Rosie home yesterday from a wonderful vet-run rescue here in Indiana. (I was prepared to adopt a pair, but Rosie likes to live alone, so that's that.) Here are a couple photos:

[GuineaPigCages.com] New pig mom...I think I'm as scared as she is![GuineaPigCages.com] New pig mom...I think I'm as scared as she is!

As you can see, she's a calico smooth-hair in lovely shades of chocolate brown, cream, and blonde.

So far, she's pretty flipped out about being in a new environment. I took the pet taxi out of her cage this morning and replaced it with a pigloo, and she spends almost all of her time in there. I haven't heard her move around at ALL yet...though her food pellets are mysteriously disappearing, so I guess she ventured out to eat at some point!

We have had lap time twice, and today I wrapped her up in a big towel while holding her, which she seemed to like. She snorfed down a piece of apple and chattered a little bit and looked all around at her new surroundings.

She is my first pet as an adult (although we had pigs when I was a kid), so I'm nervous and want to make sure I'm doing this right. She just needs time to get used to her new place, yes?

Any advice for this new mom?

You're doing fine, and so is Miss Rosie. There's lots of information on the Home page of this site, and at Guinea Pig Education, Care, Rescue and Adoption at Cavy Spirit -- the articles there are down the lefthand side of the page.

Read the "read me" sticky on the Diet and Nutrition forum here -- it also has good information.

And relax and enjoy your pig!
Thank you both! Bpatters, I have done a bunch of reading, including most of the stuff at Cavy Spirit. I feel pretty confident that we'll do okay once Rosie settles in...it's the settling-in bit that unnerves me! I'm not sure yet what's normal and what's not. I keep checking on her and she looks pretty much frozen, so I get concerned.

Thanks to both of you for the diet and nutrition tips. No more apple for her this week!

If I'm this worried about a new piggie, I am going to be the biggest Nervous Nellie when I have children!! ;)
Ahhh bingo! I sat in her room for a few minutes working this evening and she came out and had dinner and a drink. She was out for a good ten minutes with me just a few feet away. Totally gave me the side-eye the whole time, but I just pretended I wasn't paying attention to her and went about my business and she seemed fine.

Baby steps!
Glad that Miss Rosie is getting less scared. We've made good progress by feeding our ladies their fresh veggies in one location every time. They learn to sit and wait for you in that location after a few weeks and even though our still hate getting picked up, they seem less scared.
Also, can you tell me the name of the rescue that you got Miss Rosie from? I am originally from Indiana and my family is still there. My brother has guinea pigs and I'm just interested because the closest rescue to them in in Indy. Just curious. :)
Rosie came from Dr. Julia Becker in Lafayette. Wonderful lady. I know of other rescues around the state, though--where does your brother live?
Just an update to let you all know that Rosie is doing very well in her new home. (Oh, who am I kidding? I'm BRAGGING! So proud of my piggy!!! :) )

As of tomorrow she'll have been here a week. Every day I see signs that she is settling in and getting more comfortable. She already loves lap time, wheeks for hay, and has a great appetite--she chows down on just about any vegetable I give her. I have even seen a bit of popcorning! I am learning her likes (being skritched under her chin, eskimo kisses, and anytime I will sit next to her cage and work--she enjoys the company) and her dislikes (jingling change, paper bags, and that time I played some internet audio file of an unhappy pig noise!!).

We are still working on floor time. Right now, she's terrified of it. But, she's not particularly active most of the time, so she may be content just doing zoomies around her cage. We'll keep trying.

Thank you, everyone, for such a great forum! I'm enjoying reading and learning here.

And a few contributions to our collective pigture addition:


[GuineaPigCages.com] New pig mom...I think I'm as scared as she is!

Pig butt:
[GuineaPigCages.com] New pig mom...I think I'm as scared as she is!

And I totally didn't do this on purpose...but Rosie matches the colors of the rug in her room:
[GuineaPigCages.com] New pig mom...I think I'm as scared as she is!
She is my first pet as an adult (although we had pigs when I was a kid), so I'm nervous and want to make sure I'm doing this right. She just needs time to get used to her new place, yes?

Any advice for this new mom?


you mean as in ACTUAL pigs? THAT. IS. AWESOME.
Miss Rosie is a beautiful girl! Welcome to the forum. Sounds like she is settling in and that is great. Sounds like you are settling in too. Looking forward to sharing with you and pictures of your lovely Miss.
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