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New Owner Looking for Advice


Cavy Gazer
Jan 13, 2005
I have had my two piggies less than two weeks and am feeling overwhelmed. One of them wont let me hold him and the other one is terrified and wont come out of his box. I give them treats and try very hard to hold them and get them to love me, but I feel like I am in over my head unless an experienced owner can give me some helpful tips.
How long have you had them? And they're only two weeks old?
I have had them for a week and a half, they are around 3 months old and they are males
Oh, I'm sorry I read your question wrong. Some pigs just aren't as easy to warm up to others as some. My Cocoa took almost seven months for me to completely gain his trust, and but it really does pay off, now he comes up to the side of the cage to greet me. Do they run away when you pet them in your cage? Do they live together?
They run straight into their boxes when I am around. I have a picture of my cage on this site, it is divided because they fight. They were bought from 2 pet stores, no breeders around here.
How do you get a profile picture small enough to be posted?
I know there are some people on this site that would disagree, but take their hidey houses out for a few hours a day or more. Put them back in at night. This forces them to explore their surroundings. Also, try hand feeding them with some of their veggies. You could also try holding them in a big towel where they can burrow a little bit. Making them feel safe by holding them securely helps too, nice and tight but not too tight, of course.
I have considered that, but I was afraid that it would make them even more skiddish. I will try tomorrow. One of the boys will eat some kale from my hand, but the other one will not come out. He comes out when I am not around, because his food is being eaten.
Place them in your lap and feed them is what I mean if I was unclear about that. With the towel, just fold it over a couple times so they can easily go in and turn around if they want.
I bought my two females four weeks ago when they were about two months old. They were terrified, they had obviously never been in contact with humans except for feeding and cage cleaning. They had no idea what cucumbers or carrots were, and they panicked whenever I made a movement or a sound.

Four weeks later, they're still shy but happily exploring everything I offer them. I have not taken away their houses (though I considered it) cause I thought it would be very cruel since they were already so scared. I preferred to wait until they got curious, and curious they got! Especially when they smell cucumber. They take it from my hand now and eat it outside their houses which is a great reward for my patience.

I haven't held them once since I bought them. It will take a lot of time till they trust me enough so I can pet them. But I think they have the right to take their own time. When they are ready, they'll come - even if it takes another four or eight or more weeks. At least then I'll know they decided to trust me instead of being forced to.
Thank you for the helpful advice. I wish that I could try them now, but I have a one year old running around here and I cant sit down for too long because he gets into things. I like to hold my pigs when he is napping or down for bed. No distractions. More quiet environment so they aren't so jumpy.
Gooby ( the one that will come out of the box) knows the sound of the refrigerator. He cries when he hears it because he knows kale and carrots are coming. That is the only social behavior he gives me. I think it is funny that he demands kale when we are getting a soda or snack.
The best way to get your piggies used to you is by holding them everyday even if it means chasing them around the cage to catch them. The more you hold and play with them the more used to you they will get. They may always run and hide when it comes time to get out of the cage for laptime or floortime because its built into their natural instincts but that doesn't mean they won't love you.

My girls all wheek at me like crazy every time they hear a plastic sack or the fridge opening, they think they are going to get veggies 100 times a day, lol.
I would love to get a profile picture of my boys on here, but I cant seem to get it small enough. How did you get yours?
You can put an avatar up by going to "my profile" and then clicking "edit avatar". I believe they must be no bigger than 80x80 pixels. You can resize a picture in any photo editing software.
I am also one of the ones FOR removing their house during the day. It helps gain trust tremendously. We never give a house to newcomers during the day. Without a house they can't run and hide, and they get used to you coming in everyday because they can see you.
I reallyappreciate everyone helpful advice. I know that I am not the only one with unsocial pigs.
Hi. I took them out one at a time, 2 at one time is too overwhelming. I would somehow capture one and wrap her in a towel and place her on my lap and pat her for 10 minutes and talk to her then put her back. I would then do the same for the other. I would try to corner them in their cage somehow. Their hidey houses is plastic so when they were younger I would scoop out the whole house with them in it, just made sure to cover the openings with my hand. Things havent changed to much as far as capturing them except they now sit nicely and enjoy being petted.
I'm glad you posted this thread because i'm supposed to be getting 2 pigs soon. Hope they start to come around to you! :)
i have the same problem- i just got mind one week ago and they are arouind 3 months old too. They are both Male too:) wow that's cool =) mine do the same thing: Melmen will eat out of my habd but Joey won't (they live together because they are brothers- they were fighting alot all week and i thought i would have to seperate them,:( but i think that thety have worked it out now) hopefully- i could really use the tips too =) thanks
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