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New member with a question


Cavy Slave
Oct 31, 2004
Ok, I have just joined this forum today...just a couple minutes ago actually! I am NOT a guinea pig owner, but am wanting to become one. I first wanted to research everything there was to know. I was also discouraged by the pet store housing for guinea pigs. They all just seemed so small!! (poor little things) Anyway, after I found this site I just have to build one of these cages! My question is (now don't laugh!) will the guinea pig jump or climb out of an open cage?? I am a hamster owner now and I guess I was sort of comparing the two! Thanks for your help!!
You mean will a guinea pig climb out of a cage with no top, or if you have cage door open?
Guinea pigs can not climb over the 14in grids. Mine can climb over their 9in play pen though.
If you leave the door open some guinea pigs will walk out others won't. Guinea Pigs generally don't jump, but they do popcorn. Popcorn= do twisty flips and jumps in the air when happy.
They are not really climbers.
Glad you joined! You will learn something new everyday! I still do! This is a great place to learn about guinea pigs!
And just a note since you are thinking about getting guinea pigs- you should adopt not buy, and guinea pigs must live in pairs or more. They are social animals!

Good Luck getting your piggies and making you cc cage!
Thank you for the quick reply! Just to clarify, I did mean climb out of the top of an open cage.

Very helpful reply! I just can't wait to be a GP owner!
Most guinea pigs won't climb out, that doesn't mean they can't do it. None of mine climb out of the open cages but they do stand up against them, they jump on top of pigloos etc so I think they could easily climb out if they wanted to. But really, they are pretty much too lazy to attempt to climb out. Usually younger ones are more apt to try it. If you are concerned about it being possible, put a cover on it
Mine dont unless the pigloo is right next to the crate and my one did find away out. I had the igloo by the crate and he jumped on it and jumped out and I caught him just in nick of time.
they cant climb out though. Just make sure the hidey house is by the wall where its blocking the outage. not near a free range. I think youd know what I mean.
They can only climb 12in high is what I read on guinealynx I think. But if you have a determined piggy I am sure they could manage to get over the grids like Noveil said. Or if you made it easy for them by putting a hidey house right by the wall. I guess it all depends on the pigg. My piggs never hop on their hidey houses. Most of them really like their cages, and I don't think they like to come out much especially Buddy. Well anyways good luck making your cage. None of my cages have covers. I thought about making covers and was really interested but decided against it because covers make cleaning harder. And I spot clean 4 times a day so covers would just get in the way. And make it harder for me to reach certain areas of the cage.
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