I was thinking about a new bedding idea as Pearl the GP has a tendency to toss shavings and who know's what else in a 2ft diameter around her cage
This was my idea, take a waterproof foamy (for comfort) and then top it with a desposible and absorbing material - either that or find some way to attach it so that pigster doesn't go burrowing
Tell me what you think and please give me ideas for the absorbing 'material' - i like the idea of disposable because it would cut down on the mess and i wouldn't have to get crud in the washing machine
This was my idea, take a waterproof foamy (for comfort) and then top it with a desposible and absorbing material - either that or find some way to attach it so that pigster doesn't go burrowing
Tell me what you think and please give me ideas for the absorbing 'material' - i like the idea of disposable because it would cut down on the mess and i wouldn't have to get crud in the washing machine