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Active Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 10, 2004
Hi, All. I'm new to Guinea Pigs, and new to this site. I had been researching GPs, specifically their behavior and personality, and I convinced my husband that we should look into getting two GPs. (I hadn't researched how to acquire them. Oops.) Anyway, we looked at a few pet stores and weren't very excited, but then we went to a third and we FELL IN LOVE with 2 sisters, the last of their litter, who were 3 weeks old. We hadn't planned on buying GPs that day, but these two were just so fabulous.

We named them Princess and Buttercup. They are obviously mutts because Princess looks like a crested abby and Buttercup has short, smooth hair.

We bought the biggest cage the pet store had (36" by 18") and all of the necessary supplies. My husband is such a softy, and even though he wasn't at all excited by the idea when I first mentioned it, he is now at least as attentive to them as I am. (For the first few days he refused to admit that he liked them, but the next minute he was cooing at them and referring to them as "The Girls."

They LOVE floor time, which they get for about an hour a day, give or take. We also hold them and pet them each day, and they have calmed down so much in the last 8 days. We had them to the vet where we verified that they are girls, and she didn't suspect any health problems. She was recommended to me as a vet who sees a lot of the smaller animals, and she also mentioned that she has had many GPs as pets herself. The other vets in this area were surprised that I even wanted to make a well-visit appt for my GPs. The downside? It's a 45 minute drive. Ouch. But I feel better knowing that they've been checked out, particularly considering the condition of the store they came from.

I am happy to say that a C&C cage is in the works and should be finished in 3 or 4 days. We had to order Coroplast, so we're waiting for that to come in. I am amazed at how cheap this LUXURIOUS cage will be to build. I bought cubes at sam's club (3 boxes as I needed to build a based and it will be a covered cage because we have 3 kids, 10, 8, and 2.5) and cable ties at Lowe's. The final cost, including coroplast, will be less than $50 for a 2x4 cube cage with an upper level that is 1x3. I guess I'll keep the pet store cage for... I dunno! Do you think I could return it. LOL I still have the box!

I do have a few questions, too First, how long until they will eat fruits and veggies? They are 4 weeks old now, and we have offered them something every day, although they have yet to bother with it much. Buttercup nibbled on a carrot while I was holding her one day. Princess doesn't like anything, including fresh veggies placed near her face. She does, however, seem to enjoy it when I pet her under her chin, as long as I get there from behind. She's a little more skittish, and doesn't like to be pet/held for too long. You should see her popcorn as soon as I put her in the floor time area. She's going to love her new home next week. Right now I am not giving them 1 cup of fresh food per day because it would just be wasted. I give them pellets and hay, which they pig out on, and I put a couple pieces of food in as well, which is generally untouched. I'll give them more as I see that they are eating it... I'm just wondering when that might be.

My other question is about Princess and her sensitivity. She doesn't ever relax! Buttercup was far more skittish in the store, but she has really calmed down. When I pet her or brush her she is completely relaxed and happy to just sit on my lap. She loves having her hed brushed and her cheeks rubbed (like a cat!) Princess doesn't have the attention span for it. I have to try several areas before I find a place where I can pet her, but after a few minutes she doesn't seem to like that as much and I have to find somewhere else! She chirps and sings, sometimes in a very calm way, and seems to be enjoying it. Sometimes she even purrs, again seemingly enjoying it, and her whole body vibrates. Then, for seemingly no reason she gets aggitated, has to reposition herself, or tries to wander off. And she gets very upset if anything (hand/food) is put near her face. All of this that I am describing happens in a 5 to 10 minute period of time, and she shifts from content to not content every minute or so. I'm just wondering how normal this is, and if she will outgrow it. The vet didn't think that this sounded like mites, and she was on her very best behavior at the vets, not wheeking loudly once!

We're still learning, obviously, but the vet was impressed with our commitment, and I think we have a pretty good handle on things. I can't wait for their new home to be ready. LOL We already built the base and the lower level cage bottom part. I have blisters from those darn cable connectors to prove it! For bedding we are using newspaper (no color inks) with a thickish layer of Carefresh bedding in half and somewhat less bedding in the other half. (In 8 days we have tried 4 different combos and this one works well.) They poop mostly in their food bowls (silly piggies!) and pee mostly in cormers. I may try to put bedding in the corners of their new cage since they like to pee in corners and maybe towels in the middle? I have no idea. Trial and error, I guess.

Well, that's a long enough message! Sorry for the length. I'm just so in love with my GPs and I am so glad that we got them, and I am so grateful for all of the fabulous info on this site and a few others online. I decided on GPs because my husband has allergies so we had to get something that would live in a cage for the most part, but I still wanted an interactive pet. They seem to be perfect on both counts, and so far my husband doesn't seem to be allergic to them at all!


Ohhh...very cute......I love hearing about others' GPs. I myself only have one for now and I too have only had her for 2 weeks. She also came from the petstore because despite all my lovely research on this and other great websites, I didn't find a local rescue until after I got her. The other day I took my little one into the vet and she seems to be fine. They verified she was a girl (which was one of my first questions) but none of us know exactly how old she is.....our best guesses are somewhere between 4 mos. to under a year.....although I doubt she's near a year as the petstores don't seem to keep them that long.

I was wondering if your Princess is the one that is part abyssinian.......mine is an abby and she sometimes gets prickly about how she is pet and someone suggested it might be because of all the whorls.....but who knows! :)

Had to laugh when you described your vet visit!!! Mine also sat perfectly still, didn't make a wheep, and didn't even try to bite the vet or the tech....they were all impressed! Of course she's a little energetic ball of fur at home and HATES to be carried (I have the bite mark to prove it!).....

Welcome to the wonderful world of GPs. Please keep us updated on your little ones!!!
im Happy you like the Site We should all give a silence for teresa And Treen And of course Sue the seller of the C&C cages for the help.I felt the same way once i found the site but never thoguht about writing an hour long message like you did :p.Even now im still learning about my pigs behavior even after years of having the same pig.Everyday they surprise me with new things .Wether it be popcorning up the ramp or down the ramp or just running like mad thinking a predator is chasing them(i think ones a skitso) Im still learning.You would never be able to learn everything just from becoming a vet and reading books without having animals for yourself.really i think this site is the greatest forum ever.If you already havent checked cavyspirit out(www.cavyspirit.com) do so it has great stories about some of the wildest things ever.even www.guinealynx.com has alot of good information(but ofcourse you need an Isp email account or you cant sign up.)Anyways Im really greatful someone came out and talked an hour about the site :) cause as you see im obsessed lol.
AmeliaBedelia said:
Ohhh...I was wondering if your Princess is the one that is part abyssinian.......mine is an abby and she sometimes gets prickly about how she is pet and someone suggested it might be because of all the whorls.....but who knows! :)
Their mother looked like an abby. I don't know about their father. But yes, Priness is the one who looks abby. Maybe it's something with their temperment. She is such a pretty thing, though. I love her 'tossled' look.

cavylover said:
im Happy you like the Site We should all give a silence for teresa And Treen And of course Sue the seller of the C&C cages for the help.I felt the same way once i found the site but never thoguht about writing an hour long message like you did :p.
Sorry. :) Brevity is not one of my strong points.

the long-winded
I think it has something to do with the fact that Princess is part Aby. I have an Aby mix, and he seems to be very skittish in his cage, yet when he's in the kitchen for floor time he runs laps and purrs! I don't know why, but they seem to be more sensitive to the touch than other piggies. Good luck with your new cage! =)
My girls were tentative about fruits and veggies at first, probably because they had never seen them before. I would just place a bowl of fresh stuff in daily and they will start to nibble. You will see quickly what they like and what they don't. I love to see my girls run to the bowl and dig around for the "good" stuff.

One of my girls, I still get a lot left over. I just toss it and put fresh in again. They also like fresh grass out of the yard.
You might buy a treat kabob. It's a hanging kabob skewer with a bell on the end. It's a toy and a fruit and veggie holder all in one. It's really funny to see my piggies come running at the sound of that bell. You would think they had never eaten before!!! LOL Sometimes they will even ring the thing when it's empty and they want something on it.

They were picky about the fresh stuff at first, too. What finally hooked them was Granny Smith apples. I swear those two know they are coming before the apples get here from the store!!! The other favorite is carrots. Superman really goes nuts.

My husband was not keen on the idea of getting our pigs, either. The kids and I out voted him. Now, however, he gets caught stroking, feeding, and talking to them as if they were the kids. He gets this goofy embarassed look on his face and then says, "What, they were calling me!!" MEN LOL

Good luck with the new pigs, you will be surprised at how quickly they become like your children!!

Best wishes,
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