I have recently become mom to two wonderfully cute little Guinea Pigs. They are young - still babies (I think about 2 months old now) and both boys. They get along really well because they have been together almost since birth. I did get them at PetSmart, I know... I know.. a PETSTORE????? But, they are healthly and quite lively. The first thing I did was read all about them on the websites out there, which is how I found this one. I've been giving them fresh veggies twice a day for vitamin C (I made sure what is okay to give them and what isn't). They have a hay rack full of timothy hay and sometimes a little alfalfa mixed in. I'm building them a C&C cage this week - the coroplast is on order. Probably a 2 X 4 grid. They get their pellets every evening and fresh water. They get floor time every day with little climbing toys which will go in the cage with them when they have a bigger cage. I use Aspen shavings for bedding and they have a brick in their cage to climb on and a pigloo. Am I doing everything okay? Am I missing anything? I just want to assure myself.