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New Guinea Pig, Anyone have helpful tips?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 8, 2005
Well I just got another piggie for my two year old baby! I have a 2x5 button and 1x2 cage for them. I got my pigie an hour ago and I have come here for helpful tips. Bellow is a picture of my new baby boy!
Before you introduce, make sure you quarintine!
Okay but I let them see each other for like 5-10 minutes but know there away from each other and I am going to keep it that way for about a week or two!
Well I am going to tend to my babys every single need poost if you have tips!
Congrats, he's a heart-stealer. What is he, 4 or 5 weeks? Give him relative quiet for a few days while he settles in. Definitely resist the urge to overhandle that cutie pie. Sorry, I haven't been reading the posts for awhile prior to yesterday - where did you get him?
O Thanks I know I have been holding him so much I cannot stop but I have and I am doing the only thing that can get me away from that pig but still makes me think of him is to chat here to get some help for him! I got my piggie from Pet Land the pigs where in a 1x1.5 cage and there was four of them! They basicly could not move and some of them where covered over newspaper. So I told my mom and we decided to make there lifes easier so we bought one!
Think of adopting next time. You may want to treat for mites, and make sure he dosn't have fungas or an upper respiritory infection. Those are very common in pet store animals. Also, did you sex him yourself? If not, he could easily be a pregnant female.
O no I checked that he was a male. YA but actualy buyng from the pet shop saved him the cage was like this,
Also does anyone have any ideas for his name I am trying so hard to think of one!
I hate to say it, but buying from a pet shop is NOT rescuing.

Good luck with him.
O thanks he is so cute but if anyone have name ideas post here
littlebear said:
O thanks he is so cute but if anyone have name ideas post here
Well, he reminds me of a shiny new penny, so how about Copper?

The most helpful thing you can do for him now is to take him in to an exotic-certified vet for a complete health check. Very important. Pet store animals commonly come from crowded breeding mills where health conditions are dismal. A large percentage have mites or URI's. I'd definitely keep the two guineas apart for the entire three-week quarantine period, or you'll risk getting your other pig sick. I know you wouldn't want that to happen; I can tell how much you love your piggies! Slap's right, adopting is the way to go next time. :)

Has he eaten any veggies or hay yet? Be sure to introduce new veggies slowly. It's fun to find out their likes and dislikes.
Please don't take this as being rude or castigating you, but you might need to be aware of the fact that that Pet Land will replace the pig you just bought with 2-3 more. No matter what the horrid conditions in pet shops, we have to be strong and leave the pigs there. It's so much better to adopt a pig and free up a space for another pig to go into a shelter instead of letting a pig waiting for space in a shelter to die or be turned loose outside.

You need to keep him quarantined for at least 3 weeks and not just a week or two. Letting your new boar have contact with your old boar wasn't a good idea but I am not going to yell at you. I just want you to be aware of the facts Littlebear.
Yeah, what Ly said.

Don't get defensive. We aren't trying to come down on you. We are trying to educate. Many people are confused about rescuing vs. pet shops. Please listen to what people have to say.

As far as the quarantine. DO NOT skimp on it! Absolutely keep those pigs separated! Since your new pig came from a pet shop chain that is notorious for selling sick animals do not take the risk of putting them together. Take any discharge, sneezing, wheezing, bald spots, excessive itching, etc... very seriously in your new pig. If you suspect anything get your boy to the Vet immediately.

As far as a name I think Oscar is good. I don't know why but he looks like an Oscar to me.
Thanks everyone. I forgot about the animal shelter but next time I will be sure to adopt! Also I never wanted them to see each other my mom wanted me too. Crittermom I love the name copper! And I have a vet appontment for Tuesday for the besst vet in my state/island!
This name sounds kinda silly but I'm just goning to throw it out there, Rufus. My nephew had a stuffed little animal that looked exactly like your new piggie and that's what it's name was! lol
Littlebear, that's great news about the vet appointment! Keep us updated. :)
Welcome to the forums, Littlebear.
Well I am not new I just have not been on latley! Also I found a name for my baby because my first one is littlebear I am calling the babay brown bear!
Sorry, don't recall seeing you before. My bad!
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