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New CC Cage and Homemade Ramp skid (cabinet liner)


Cavy Slave
Nov 12, 2011
I just made my first CC cage today, and will be picking up my new little piggies tomorrow....I haven't had a pet piggie in years so I am a little rusty....

I finished everything in the cage. It is 2x4 grids on the main level sitting on storage base, with a 2x1 loft. problem is I have ran everywhere and worked myself to death rearranging furniture ordering and tracking down supplies I will need etc and thought I had everything covered.... after 2 more last minute trips today to get more zip ties and packing tape I forgot of course I realized I had not picked up anything for traction on the ramp. I made the ramp out of coroplast in the style of the bluemoon cages(the companies name that sells CC type cages) and kinda copied their ramps. At this point I was rushed and tired and ended up putting the kinda spongey non skid cabinet liner in the middle of the ramp to provide traction.

It wasn't until after I was finally done that it occurred to me I had used all approved safe materials in this cage except for that cabinet liner....

Will this hurt my piggies if they chew on it? or should it be safe? It is only in the center of the ramp and has coroplast borders on all sides of it. if need be I can post a pic..

Any responses are greatly appreciated :)
I don't know but hopefully somebody with more knowledge will be along soon!
Well, mine chew that kind of cabinet liner. I'd planned to use it in their ramp and accidentally left a piece in their cage when I was trying to get it cut. Wrong thing to do....

But for now, you can put a towel over it, or fleece if you've got it. You can sew cords on the top to tie it if you need to, and it may not need anything at the bottom. I use a fleece runner in my tunnel, and it works just fine.
Do you have any un-used course grit sandpaper ? I am completely re-doing my own cage, and am nearly finished. I bought some cool black course grit sandpaper (with adhesive on the back) to put on my new ramps.

Thought it was a good idea for traction as well as for keeping their nails trimmed somewhat. I haven't decided if I am using it yet or not though..for I also bought a tough berber rug door mat (plan to cut to size) to fit ramps too.
Kathlaaron, watch their feet very carefully if you're using sandpaper. If they use the ramp a lot, their skin can get abraded, and they may wind up with bumblefoot. In fact, I wouldn't use it at all.

Anything that gives them some traction will work. I have long fleece pads that I put in my tunnel, and they work just fine. I tie them down at the ends, and then just throw them in the washer with the pads.
Oh man, I didn't realize that:eek:..thanks Billie, I won't use sandpaper then for sure !! Ohh I really "thought" it was a good idea too...but it makes perfect sense that it would be too rough on their footpads:weepy:...I guess I was thinking of their nails. Stupid me.
Oh man, I didn't realize that:eek:..thanks Billie, I won't use sandpaper then for sure !! Ohh I really "thought" it was a good idea too...but it makes perfect sense that it would be too rough on their footpads:weepy:...I guess I was thinking of their nails. Stupid me.

Don't worry, you weren't the only one. I was thinking about using sandpaper too, so I'm very glad this was brought up.
kathlaaron do not feel stupid, this is how we all learn and why we are on this site. When we come up with an idea it is nice to know if it is safe for or piggies before we do it and then our little guineas have problems. I myself have learned a lot the past few days. If you don't ask then you never know, thats the way I look at it. I am just glad we have such wonderful people on this site that are so knowledgeable about piggies. It makes our lives a little easier when we can get on and ask what we don't know. Hey know that I said that, maybe they need to come out with a parenting forum on the do's and don't of raising children...lol
Thank you so much guys...your encouragement means a lot to me ! I feel stupid because I feel like I should "know better" because I have been a member for almost a year now ( 10 1/2 months), you know :sad: ?

I am VERY grateful for all the wonderful people on this site too, who are so quick to help out or point out, something to us so that we learn how to take really good care of our piggies !

Billie, I use fleece strips ( one layer of u-haul pads, one layer fleece) for my homemade tunnels too..with velcro attached to the bottom, so they stay put and when dirty can be just thrown in the wash. I just wanted to come up with something different, some kind of material that was "not so comfy" so that my girls would not be so inclined to sleep up in their "skyway bridge", and wanted my ramps to have good gripping power. It is more of a "tunnel run" not a loft. Buttercup loves to run, and was trying to add more running room, for their cage...just to make it a little more interesting, really.

Thank you again, Billie... for telling me, I really mean that. I love my girls so very very much and would be devastated, if I caused them to have sore toesies or worse, bumblefoot. I still can't believe I didn't think of that. Thank you, thank you, thank you ! :eek:
Plan on using the Berber door mat, which I have cut into strips, and attach them using some wide velcro that I have on hand, to the ramps and possibly the bridge too. Just in case you guys wanted to know...:)
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