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new cavy owner


Cavy Slave
Aug 31, 2004
Greetings. I've had my two cavies for a week now. One is really tiny and looks about a month old, the other is probably two months. I bought a marchiaro tommy k 102 cage. I am looking to expand the cage as my boyfriend is interested in getting a third cavy/and even if we don't I'd like to expand it. I'm interested in either a second floor to it/ramps etc. I've been browsing all of the amazing cage pictures you all have but would like your input and definitely the materials you've used to expand your cages. Again, I'd like to add another level etc.

here is the link to my cage

(broken link removed)

Marchioro Cages - Tommy 120

if that helps

would you recommend adding a second level inside the cage or outside the cage

is there something besides coroplast you'd recommend for the bottom of the cubes?

what different materials would you use for a ramp besides wood with carpet?
Hi there.
Ok, don't add a second level inside the cage, because there's not really any space.

In my cage, I have used some 6mm linoleum left over from my bathroom.

You can make the ramp out of two cube grids https://www.guineapigcages.com/gallery/categories/523/ or fiddlesticks flattened out
well the cage looks like 2 feet tall or so

would you recommend building a ramp to go that high up??

thanks much for your reply, any insight is welcomed :)
I have that same cage, and at first I built an addition (C&C cage) that was 2x3. I left 1 grid open and butted the store bought cage against the opening. I used the door on the store bought cage as a ramp going down into the C&C one. Now that I have 4 cavies, instead of 2 I've made 2 2x4's. 2 boars in one, then 1 boar in the other. My sow currently lives in the store bought cage, because my lonely boar isn't fixed yet. Once he's fixed she'll join him.

I'm going to hold on to my store bought cages (I have 2) for when I travel. I go up to Maine alot to see my family and my piggies love running in our big front yard!
I don't recommend building a second story in that cage. What I would do is, as sofiemuffins did, attach it onto a C&C cage. Or, ditch the cage and use it as a travel case.
cavykiss said:

would you recommend adding a second level inside the cage or outside the cage

is there something besides coroplast you'd recommend for the bottom of the cubes?

what different materials would you use for a ramp besides wood with carpet?
I would recommend building a great C&C cage, and then you can attach that cage onto it. Maybe that cage can be the upper level.

Here is a link I just found for somewhere you can buy ramps: (broken link removed) (scroll down past the too-small cages)

Also, my ramp is here: https://www.guineapigcages.com/photos/data/509/406Ramp-med.jpg

Instructions to make it are here: https://www.guineapigcages.com/gallery/categories/523/=

Coroplast is the best, but you can use linoleum if you absolutely cannot find any. Look at www.guineapigcages.com/where.htm to find some near you.

Good luck!!! =)
cavykiss said:
Greetings. I've had my two cavies for a week now. One is really tiny and looks about a month old, the other is probably two months. I bought a marchiaro tommy k 102 cage. I am looking to expand the cage as my boyfriend is interested in getting a third cavy/and even if we don't I'd like to expand it. I'm interested in either a second floor to it/ramps etc. I've been browsing all of the amazing cage pictures you all have but would like your input and definitely the materials you've used to expand your cages. Again, I'd like to add another level etc.

You could use the petstore cage as an upper level, that is what I am doing right now. I am remodeling one of my piggies cages and I wanted to incorporate the petstore cage in the c&c cage. This is a picture of some one elses pet store cage incorporated into their c&c cage.


I would not add a second level in the pet store cage. You asked about building a ramp that was two feet high into the petstore cage, you could always drill a hole in the side like in the 2nd pic. and keep the peice you drilled out so if you went to the vet/vacation just tape it back on.
I would definately reccomend just building a whole new caghe and somehow incorporating the pet store cage into the new and big one. You may even want to just use it as a home base for floor time.
OK thanks much I have a general idea of what I might do now :)

On a health note, I was noticing mostly my white cavy scratching with her hind legs and today biting one of her back legs. I went to examine her and she seemed ok, although the skin tone on her left is darker than her right which I assume is nature. Should I worry over this? I was reading that it's natural for them to scratch, but today she just seemed to be scratching a lot more.
Especially if you got the piggy from a pet store, it is indeed cause for worry. The pigment is in no way related, though, that's just natural. What you need to look out for is excessive itching, red scabs, white flakes, and hair loss. If any of these show up (which one already has), they most likely have mites. You will need to take them to the vet asap to have them treated with Ivermectin. Three doses, each spaced 7-10 days apart, will do the trick. Good luck!
alrighty they are going to the vets first thing wed. morning

I notice in some pictures there is no bedding used. Are the cloth/towels etc. safe?
OK my general game plan for the cage (after they go to the vets and get their mite problem and sneezes resolved) is a 2x5 grid with one end leading into the store cage. Than build a top level in the 2x5 as like a loft area
Sounds great! I hope everything goes well at the vet's. Good luck!

Hiya people,
I have 2 Guinea's (Abby and Golden Agouti) They love being groomed...I was wondering how often do you bathe a Guinea? Once a month? I was wondering this because my Abby (Abysinnian) has this black like pepper flakes in her hair. It only gets like that when I bring her outside to her hutch/run (whatever you call it) she always gets it, I bathe her then shes better. But she keeps getting it...HELP?
I give mine a bath once a week but its through small animal wet wipes
Looks like kind of a small cage.
Emily-- Yes, she's working on it. She just posted that she will change it after the mites go away. Thanks for your concern, though!

Cavykiss--don't use the wipes, especially on the pigs! They have chemicals in them that are potentially dangerous for pigs. What do they have in them, can you post that please? Then I may be able to assess their safety more accurately.

GuineaPiggie--the pigs have mites, or some other parasite. They have to be taken in to the vet asap for treatment. The vet may suggest weekly bathing during this treatment, which is ideal. Afterwards, you don't really need to bathe them at all, unless they are extremely dirty, and it can't be cleaned with a damp washcloth. It takes the oils out of their fur, and dries their skin. Make sure to use a small animal shampoo, too. Good luck!
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